Saturday, February 16, 2013

Let the games begin...

So the IOC decided last week to "do away" with Olympic wrestling... but leave ping pong and badminton???  Huh?  After last week, I think my children's birthdays could qualify as an Olympic sport, not for athleticism, but endurance. Should I write the IOC?

Since January 31st, between Trace and Keatyn's birthdays and my dad's birthday and retirement party (another post all in itself) I have devoured more cookie cake, cupcakes, pound cake, and Star Wars cake than is humanly safe.  My first week of February rivals in calories, the entire Thanksgiving-Christmas holiday stretch.   That's what you get for having 2 kids, 3 days apart.  These precious birthday celebrations just seem to go on...and on...and on.

I just ended (2/14/13) what I've affectionately dubbed as my "party planning 2013 trifecta"

the kid's birthday parties
my dad's retirement party
Trace's class Valentine party

First, Trace's party.  (2/2/13) Ever tried to find pool noodles in the dead of winter??  Don't, if you can avoid it.  But if you ever find yourself in need, the Dollar Tree has a stash in their stock room they are HAPPY to get rid of.  These beauties were cut in half, wrapped in electrical tape to create a handle and used as light sabers. 
If you look past the pool, through the windows at the Y, you will see snow.  Yes, totally beautiful, yet totally unpredicted snow.  Not what an anxious mother needs to wake up to on the morning of her boy's birthday party.  It came out of nowhere and melted as quickly as it fell but sent me into a full blown hissy.  Should I cancel? Should I postpone? Should I risk peoples safety just because I have an unfreezable Star Wars cake that could feed a small 3rd world country?

(And what we finally concluded...) Should I wait 3 hours and then make a decision?  Patience...NOT one of my virtues!  Texts were flying, calls to the YMCA where made, emails to Trace's class were sent (because at that point all but 3 of his classmates were coming.)
This sweet boy was beside himself with excitement between the snow and his party.
Finally, we decided to do it.  A few of his buddies that lived on the mountains couldn't get there but there were still plenty to make a party and by the end of the 2 hours, you wouldn't have even known it had snowed. CRAZY!  I am so glad we decided to do it.  Rescheduling would have been a nightmare.  And then, well... what would I have done with the ginormous cake? 

Watching the "swim test."  Most of this bunch just opted for life vests after watching the few that tried swimming across the huge lap pool...and the few that had to be rescued. (Nothing like watching your friend being pulled to safety by a pool noodle to say, "Yeah, just give me the life jacket.") 
Trace did it and passed!!  My little water bug, I was so proud of him for even trying!
The light sabers were a success!  I gave all the extras to kids to take home to their brothers and sisters so they would have some way of defending themselves.  One sibling with a light saber doesn't hardly sound fair.

Next, Keatyn's party (2/4/13)
We decided to Keep It Simple Stupid and just go with the family to Chuck E. Cheese on Keatyn's b-day.

She's 2. 
She'll never remember. 
And I will have many more things to feel guilty about in her lifetime, so we'll just add this to it. :) 

She and Chuckie still haven't made up from last year...
Death grip around Papaw's neck...


Since Papaws b-day is the day before hers, we combined parties and cakes.  I hope Papaw doesn't mind having a princess or Dora the Explore from here on out.  I don't think a $7.99 BiLo cookie cake is gonna cut it much longer.
I'm ashamed to admit, the only pictures I have of Sisty and Granddaddy OR Jimmy from the party are these right here.  I did a HORRIBLE job of photographing this night.  My kids were running crazy, the food took 45 minutes to come out, and I had CEC overload.  But yes, all grands were in attendance and even my sweet Nanny was there!  I can't believe I don't have a "real" picture of any of them :(  I see now why people hire photographers for their kids b-day parties.

I couldn't believe she got in there, but she kicked off her boots and climbed up in that tunnel that runs across the ceiling.  She absolutely loved it, but I warned my brother that there was a strong chance he too, would find himself up in that tunnel retrieving her!  Andy and dad managed to coax her across and down the slide before having to begin the climb themselves.  She slept like a rock that night, it absolutely wore her out!

Please ignore the obnoxious animations of the mom in these pictures.  You never realize just how stupid you look till you see it in print.

BUT I got her to blow out her candles on her own... somethings are worth it!
Big brother was very proud!
Sheila, Sylvia's sister bought her this beautiful bracelet that says "Jesus Loves Me".  I love it and can't wait to have her picture made with it!  Sisty got her an "add a pearl" necklace.  All the girls in their family have one.  Each year you add a little pearl to it.  Several had their senior picture or wedding pictures made wearing them . It is so special!  I love family traditions like that!!

Trace's birthday at school (2/7/13)
I took a Spiderman cookie cake to school for Trace's birthday. 

Singing "Happy Birthday"...
Silly faces...

When we went to pick up Keatyn from my parents, Nana had made T a b-day hat of balloons.
And had him a police costume set...
which he then wore bowling. 

Jimmy and I asked Trace what he wanted to do on his actual b-day and he said bowling and getting a Frosty at Wendys.  Easy enough! We walked in and there was a tournament starting in 15 minutes, so he had time to bowl one quick game and we were out of there.  Mama didn't have to cook OR bowl in nasty shoes!! Rounding Wendy's for some burgers and Frosty's finished up his birthday perfectly.

Yes, little sister got jipped, but other than reading this blog one day, will she ever really know???

I can't believe my "babies" are 2 and 6!!  This time is flying by and I'm trying to soak up every minute. 

You two are the loves of my life and my biggest dreams come true!  The Lord has truly blessed your daddy and I with more than we could ever have hoped for!   YOU ARE INCREDIBLY LOVED!!!