Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Birthday Bonanza 2015

We officially have an 8 and 4 year old.  How, HOW did that happen?  I can very clearly remember the day in 2011 when Dr. Adams said, "Well, she's ready and your fluids a little low so what day do you want her, Friday the 4th or Monday the 7th?"  Could I really have had 2 babies born on the same day? Should I?  Would they hate me forever for making them share a birthday?  And how is it, I managed to birth 2 children in early February and neither one land on the 3rd, this guys birthday? 
Speaking of this guy.  This was on my facebook news feed from one of his buddies with the caption, "Celebrating the mayor of Hixson's 65th birthday!"  Strange feeling aimlessly scrolling through facebook right before bed and finding your father in a sombrero, with cool whip in his goatee and obviously having more fun than you.  I thought he was the old one.  Love him more than words!!

The next morning, this little lady celebrated the big 4 at school with cupcakes and friends...
and as tradition dictates, Chuck E. Cheese that evening.

She no longer needs a chaperone to go hug the big rat.  Sniff, sniff
She is obsessed with checking the mail these days.  My van barely hits the driveway before she's unbuckling and running to the mailbox.  Imagine her surprise when she finds mail FOR HER from Sisty and Granddaddy!  It's the little things...

The next night, everyone came over to celebrate these 3...
Sisty, sadly was sick and couldn't come but we sent Jim home with some leftovers and we opened gifts with them that weekend.  We didn't feel complete without her. :(

Trace got a joke book from Nana and Papaw and entertained us for what felt like hours. 
Aunt Kadi and Uncle Andy always come up with the cutest gifts.  Mustaches and straws you wear as glasses.  I mean, what else could make this crew any happier?!?
The next day, we celebrated Trace's birthday at school. His buddy Maddux has the same birthday and so his mom and I coordinated and brought cupcakes and goodies.  The mustaches had been such a hit the night before, that I ran into Learning Express before his school party and picked up some for the class.  They loved them!

Mrs. Sims, his teacher, is amazing!!  I can't say enough about her.  She has set the bar very, very high!  She is from the "clicking" tribe in Africa (I can't think of it's real name, shame on me) and one of their customs is teaching about honoring ones name.  She teaches a lot about how your name is your legacy and that even if someone never meets you, your name and character will proceed you and live on long after you are gone.

For every birthday she dresses up for the kids.  Since the 2 birthdays were boys, she dressed in her army outfit.  She was actually a chaplain assistant in the army for 20 years before she went back to get her teaching degree.  She was one that you see in the movies ringing doorbells and telling families their soldiers are never coming home.  I can't imagine a harder job, but I also can't imagine a better person for it.  She has a love for people and the Lord like I've never seen. 

Part of their "birthday celebration" also includes a blessing she does for each child.  She puts their name in the middle of the paper and each child comes up and writes something they love about them.  It truly brought tears to my eyes to watch.  The birthday child gets to keep it and we hung Trace's in his room.  I will keep this FOREVER!  Then when everyone has written something, everyone huddles around and places their hands around the other and prays for the birthday child.  Wow!  What beautiful life lessons this is teaching.  I love that boys learn to complement girls and vice versa and that it's good to build up one another of the opposite sex in a kind, loving way.  And I love that the boys learn how to express their feelings about others without having to be macho or foolish about it.  If I ever go back into the classroom, this will become my new tradition too!

That night, Trace tested for his 2nd degree brown belt and got it!  I'm so proud of him!!
Saturday was his actual birthday and he really, really wanted to see the new SpongeBob movie.  (And we really, really didn't)  But...
We went to lupper downtown at T.Mac and then picked up his friend Jack and endured 1.5 hours of SpongeBob.  Correction... Keatyn had that large cup of Sprite you see in the picture, so I only endured 45 minutes of SpongeBob and 3 trips to the little girls room.  After the 3rd trip, I texted Jimmy and told him we'd just wait for them in the lobby.  He said I didn't miss much ;)

That night, Jimmy played the good parent and I played the horrible one and went to my precious friend Jill's 40th birthday party.  On my son's birthday.  Yes, I know.  Terrible. 

It's been years since I sang karaoke.  Like 1990's, singing Reba McEntire's "Fancy", in a bowling alley bar, kind of years.  (I'm looking at you Lucia Dishmon ;)  I promise I  only had 1 glass of wine, because while I may have been a bad parent, I wasn't going to be a bad girl and drink and drive.  Somehow with only 1 drink in me, we performed "I Will Survive" and we did it mighty well, if I do say so myself.  I adore these ladies and am so happy to grow old with them!
This happened the other day.  I promise I only walked into the kitchen for a second, but that's apparently how long it takes to climb out of the tub, pick up your puppy, and nearly drown him.  Bless it.
So, after I had already planned and spent hours deliberating on how to pull off a double birthday party, I get home to find an invitation in the mailbox for Maddux's party the same night as I had planned Trace and Keatyn's.  Sigh.  I had already put invitations in all of Keatyn's classmates boxes at school letting them know the party would be at the Jump Park on February 6th from 4-6.  LUCKILY, WalMart had messed up Trace's invites to his class (which is much bigger)  as I was supposed to have put them in the mail that morning. 

Crisis averted.  Sorta. 

I redid Keatyn's class invites, called Maddux's sweet mom and RSVPed to his party, and called and rescheduled at the Jump Park for Friday the 13th.  Sigh again.  (This was after a few deep breaths and a failed attempt to talk the kids into nixing a party this year in lieu of an overnight trip somewhere with Jimmy and I.) 

Alas, Friday the 13th came and as fate would have it, it was also the afternoon of the class Valentine Party.  Oh joy. I told Trace the night before that I wouldn't be at his V Day party since I would be running around getting everything ready for his birthday party right after school and you would have thought I told him I was moving to Mars.  My boy.  My sweet, sensitive, mama-loving boy cried at the thought of me not being at his class party.  How many more times will that happen?  So guess where I was at 1:30 that afternoon?  You betcha.  I love that kid.

I took K to gymnastics, ran her up to moms, went to Publix to pick up their Godzilla and Little Mermaid cakes, packed a cooler full of ice cream and headed downtown to the Valentines Day party.  I left his school, then went to the Jump Park to drop everything off and get set up. This is what my car looked like at 3:10 that afternoon.  I've never been so grateful for a mini van. 

Looking in my rear view mirror at a car load of other people's children will stress you like nothing else.  My hands were 10 and 2.  I honestly wanted a police escort the 5 blocks I drove from CCS to the Jump Park.  Not to mention, they were all eating Fun Dips and had more sugar coursing through their little veins than one can imagine.
Mrs. Sims met me at the car and told me just that afternoon at the 5th grade skating party there had been a broken leg, a broken arm and a concussion.  Yikes!  AND it was Friday the 13th.  We said a little prayer for all the soon-to-be jumpers and away we went.

Waiting to jump...


Keatyn had 4 from her little class come.  Sweet Lily...

Wow!  What a day.  I took Madison and Jordan home and then Sisty called and said the Alabama gang was in Stevenson and Nelson was really excited to see Trace.  So, he partied on and ended up spending Friday and Saturday night up there with them.  We couldn't even tear the boys away from the Xbox long enough to go watch Sara Kathryn dance on Saturday. 

That afternoon, SheShe came to meet Timber. 
I'm hoping she has a Timber of her own soon!
That night, we went back up to Sisty and Granddaddy's for dinner and more playing. 
They spent the night and Sunday morning dropped the kids off at home on their way back to Alabama.  Love these 4!  We are so blessed by the best family!
We brought an extra crate home from their house to use as a time out biting box, but as you can see, it has become more of a toy for you know who.
Time out for 2!
Love this little ball of fur!
Another birthday is in the books!