Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Life Lately

Well hello... it's been awhile.  Life has been busy.  Shew...

I hate when I go this long without a post.  I have found myself looking back over these from years ago looking for certain events and then get sucked into the memories and lost in how little the kids were and how fast they are growing up.  I am SO thankful I started this when Trace was just 16 months old.  I wouldn't trade anything for these memories, that you think you will never forget at the time, but somehow seem to fade.  At this point, Marilyn (hello up there!) and I may be the only ones left reading, but that's ok, this archive of life is priceless to me!

Here's a look at life lately...

My dear friend Iris, finished her pool and invited us over for the grand opening.  My kids were in awe!!  We dubbed it the Rodger Resort.  I mean really, who needs to go on vacation when this is in your backyard?
Trace and Jack.
We spent a lot of lazy days on the water this summer and it was wonderful family time.  The kids BEGGED each time to take Timber, but we only could make that happen a handful of times.  He just gets too hot.  This time, we braved it and he took his first ride on the tube.  Trace was a nervous wreck with him on that thing, but I think Timber liked it.

Homecoming dress up days...

Sisty, the kids and I went back down to Alabama for Mallory's 6th birthday party.  Keatyn was the only crazy one that braved the freezing pool at Sheilas.
Love these sweet cousins!
There was a balloon guy at the party that was amazing!  Trace wanted a jet pack and he literally just started blowing and twisting balloons and came up with this.
Before long, the trend caught on.  Ha!
The 3 sisters.  These are amazing, sweet (and matching) southern belles.  Love them so much!

We left AL with a monkey in a banana tree, 2 jet packs, one daisy bracelet, and a ninja man.  I'll let you guess how many actually survived the 3 hour ride home.
Alex came out for a fishing trip.  The fishing part lasted all of 10 minutes and then we made Alex sick riding the waves on the tube.  Lol!  But they had fun!

Celebrating the August birthdays (a month late) at Ruby Tuesdays.

I had the family over for Roman's first spaghetti dinner.  This was one of the times I scoured my old blog posts in search of the picture of Keatyn's first spaghetti dinner.  Oh, how sweet. I love these 3!

 Papaw took one for the team and got suited up to hold him (since Andy forgot his high chair) while he ate.  They were A MESS!  But he loved it!
The aftermath.  I highly suggest the garbage bag and towel attire during this activity.

And the much needed bath afterwards...

Then in the middle of September, my girls and I left for our annual "This is 40  42" trip.  Misty couldn't go this year and was greatly missed.  We had a blast and it was SO good to get away for a while.  I cherish these ladies so much!

I've got more pictures left to load but that will be for another day.  Marilyn just left Monday so I hope this will tide her over until I can get the wonderful pictures from this weekend on here.  They are coming Marilyn, I promise! ;)  It was so great to see you!