Sunday, September 1, 2013

1st and yellow

So, it's September 1st and both of my children have now been in school for 2.5 weeks.  One would think my "blogging moments" would have erupted with all kinds of time, but no.  We are slowly getting back into the school routine.  Much to my 1st graders resistance.

My preschooler, however, seems to love it.  And even topped off last week with her first EVER poo-poo in the potty!!!  Thank you Ms. Retta.  And, I'm sorry. ;) 

Leslie and I took Jack and Trace to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate the last day before 1st grade.  We practically had it to ourselves which made for a much more delightful trip than usual.  (It has been often been referred to as "Chuck E. Cheese Hell" by members of my family.)
And then the day came...
 (Luckily, there are no pictures of "2nd day of 1st grade" because that would have included he AND I both crying all the way down Hwy. 27) No one wants to remember that.
Photo bombed by his little sister...
This is his precious teacher, Kat Sabourin.  I'm not exaggerating when I tell you she is simply delightful!  Just what you would think a 1st grade teacher would be.  She had been in 3rd grade for 2 years and said she begged to come to 1st.  Her smile is infectious and I think Trace is going to love her!
So, without realizing it, I apparently started a cookie cake tradition in Kindergarten.  The night before school started, as I was walking out of Trace's room after saying goodnight, he says... "Momma, don't forget my cookie cake for the first day of school tomorrow."  huh... huh...  It took me a minute to even realize what he was talking about.  So the next morning, guess who was at the Cookie Company in Northgate at 10 a.m.?  I couldn't let my boy down.  AND since he was getting his yellow belt in TaeKwonDo that night, we had 2 reasons to celebrate!

Sassy sat out in the waiting room with Nana, Papaw, and Nanny putting on her face...

So proud!