Friday, September 26, 2014

The Songs of Summer

Songs of Summer?

This post may be a few weeks late... we've had computer issues.

That's an understatement.

We've had hundreds of dollars worth of computer issues.  Our computer guy spend the better part of the day here last Friday and then again Monday.  At $55 an hour, that hurts. Gotta love a good virus from a program you have no recollection of ever downloading.  Sigh.

This post was supposed to be done, well, in the summer.  And since I drove Trace to school today in a flannel shirt and yoga pants instead of a tank top and shorts, I'd say I'm a little behind.

Summer ended and school began.  Now it's the end of September and I'm LOVING the promise of fall weather.  We get a little glimpse of it each morning and night and I'm itching to break out my boots and leggings but when it's still hitting mid 80 degrees each afternoon, that would be a little premature.

When I think back on the Summer of 2014, several things will come to mind.  Lots of fun, moving and settling into our new house, many, many water balloon fights, the ALS Challenge, trampoline jumping, and songs.  Lots and lots of songs.

If your boy is as obsessed with Minecraft as mine is you too have probably found yourself downloading and jamming to the many songs that comes with it. 

Most requested, TNT.  (I came to dig, dig, dig, dig...)

Of course, I have no idea how to get the link on here but I wanted to remember the name in case 10 years from now he wants to hear it again.  We've listened to "TNT", "We Will Rock You", "Let It Go", from Frozen and unfortunately Sir Mix a Lot's "Baby Got Back."

That one may have been my favorite song at one point but I had no intentions of listening to it with my young son until our neighbor taught it to him while playing outside this summer.  Luckily, he had most of the words wrong, so we had several weeks of cuteness, but then we let him listen to it a time or 2 in the car on our way home from the beach.  I coughed really loudly in all the right places and we managed to get through it. It's amazing, how you harshly criticize a song you once loved when you're hearing it for the first time with your 7 year old.  Yikes.

Eventually, summer ended and school began. 

Trace and Mrs. Sims on the first day. Oh, how I love this boy!
The traditional "first day of school" cookie cake...
And Ms. Sassy started Pre K-3 with Ms. Amy.  This is one of the few rare moments she let me "fix" her hair.  Elsa and Anna's braids have been a big help, but it's still a battle.

Ironically, we met Penny, Lynda and Xander on exactly the same day as last year at Warner Park Splashpad (thank you Time Hop on Facebook)  They were so cute together!
Trace is still climbing the belts in Karate.  His interest is shaky and sparring is by far his least favorite part but I really hope he'll continue it!
This was too funny not to remember.  You often don't laugh hysterically when your child shows up at the back door covered in tears and dirt, but...
Apparently, this was a result of Playhouse Wars.  Trace and our next door neighbor, Jordan, were in the playhouse and Keatyn was trying, TRYING her best to get in.  After banging on the door, she went to the open window and threw in a handful of potting soil from the window box of flowers below.  They, of course, retaliated with a handful (or 5) of dirt right in the kisser.  I can't really blame them.  She started it, they just knew how to end it.

She went straight to the bath and I sent her "Just Busted" mug shot to Aunt Kadi and the grands.

Keatyn has started "nastics" at Alicia's studio on Friday mornings and is loving it!  I love that little hiney in her leatords.  She has a constant wedgie but wears them all day.  Cutie Pie!

We kept sweet Lady for a night while Jim and Sylvia were out of town.  The kids were thrilled and only added to the chants of getting a dog of our own.  We are getting there... slowly.
But the fact that Keatyn knocked over her water bowl 14 times in 12 hours and ate handfuls of dog food, causing her to poop green for 2 days after, reminded me that 3-year-olds and puppies are a lot alike and a LOT of work and do I really want both?!?  We will see...
Speaking of a lot of work.  Nana, I hope that isn't the 12 hour, long-wear lipstick.  They love to play "booty shop."
Just as school was starting, I took the kids to Academy for the traditional school shoes and socks run.  Jimmy called and said he was done and could meet us there.  An hour later, we left with a new big girl bike and skateboard and shockingly... not one pair of shoes or socks.  This is what happens when dad comes. ;)
Looking forward to a great 2nd and Pre K-3 year!!