Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Summers End

We sent summer packing and got back into the school swing of things.  It's always bittersweet.  I do NOT miss the alarm clock blaring before the sun comes up, or packing school lunches and I really, really don't miss the homework fights.  But it's inevitable and school time definitely has its perks. We tried to make the most of our summer, although I can't really say anything "big" we did.  We spent a lot of time at the lake, the pool and on the boat.  And we tried to see some friends and make some fun memories. 
*Prepare to see lots of pictures with water.  In the summer, in the south, if you're outside, you'd better be near some H2O.

 Oh my heart.  That boy loves his dog.

And occasionally, his mama.  (As long as I'm not making him do homework ;)

One afternoon, we drove over to one of the islands and anchored.  The kids played, the dog ran free, and I successfully remained relaxed on the boat, never having to get into that nasty, weedy water.  Win! Win!  It was a great way to spend a lazy summer afternoon.

Relaxing, until Trace decided to try and climb that rock wall below the Hidden Harbor cliffs.  I'm good if he never, ever does that again.  Sigh.
Uncle Andy and T playing Star Wars.

Coolidge Park with friends...

A successful fishing trip, where no one got hooked, fell overboard, or struck by impending lightening.

Love that face...

We joined the Big Ridge pool for the summer and had lots of fun playdates.  Keatyn learned to swim like a little fish and even jumped off the diving board.  My baby is growing up!
Jimmy turned 45 and we celebrated with lots of cake and another lazy day on the lake.

Blowing bubbles off the boat...
Then Locker Day came rolling around and it was time to get back into school mode.  Lunch with friends at Clydes, which then turned into a sleepover at my house.  Scared, I was a little scared...

I can't even count how many Nerf Gun wars there were...

Then we ended the summer with a last day skating party.

Trace started 3rd grade on Wednesday.  Hard to believe...
The next day, Keatyn had orientation at her PDO.  After that, we went on a little mommy/daughter date.  We got her hair cut, then used a gift card Sisty had gotten me for my birthday to get manis and pedis, then met daddy for lunch.
I told her I was in college before I ever got my nails and toes done so not to get used to it!  ha!

Rainbow toes, and polka dot nails.  (She peeled the nails all off before bedtime.  Grrrr...)

That night we tried to squeeze in another swim at Granddaddy and Sisty's...

That Friday, my boy got his 2nd degree red belt!!  Woo hoo!  So proud of him...
Then Sunday after church we went to see Jean at Alexian.  She is one amazing lady!

That Tuesday, Keatyn started PreK with Mrs. Jamie.  I know it's going to be a great year for her!

Well, I'm off to make an "All About Me" book with my little sassy.  Looking through all these pictures for this book sure makes me glad I have this blog.  And reminds me I HAVE to do better at preserving these precious memories!