Sunday, March 15, 2020

Father Daughter Dance, February Birthdays and everything in between

I can't believe it's already March.  We leave the holidays and fly straight into Father Daughter Dance mania and then birthdays and before I know it, it's half way through February.  Keatyn was SO excited to get to play basketball for school this year.  It wasn't exactly what we had hoped for in the end with but it was a good experience.  The set up was different and she kept asking when she would get to play against another school team but the new set up was where they just played each other on Saturday mornings after a practice.  She was so tall that she got moved up to the 4th grade girls but she did well.  There was an unexpected snow the last morning of the season so the final "game" got snowed out.  I hope she falls in love with this sport and wants to continue.

Her team won the little scrimmage and she got a medal!

We went shopping after that for her dress for the dance.  She fell in love with this one.  The color, the shoulders and the twirl.  It's always about the twirl...

Emerson  spend the night and finally made friends with the dogs!  It was a big step.

On January 20th, we celebrated her birthday a few weeks early.  She really wanted a party at Ice on the Landing at the Choo Choo.  It was SO cold but such a fun night!

On January 25th, we had the annual Father Daughter Dance at school.  This is the 4th year I've helped with it but this year the 2 ladies that were always in charge had daughters that moved to middle school so it was ME in charge.  Luckily, another mom, Cherith, jumped in and she is super crafty and creative!  It turned out great and was such sweet memories!

Playing with Roman...
The Sharks came to CCS one day and Trace jumped in for a selfie...

Our church bought tickets for True Girls (aka...Promise Keepers) for moms and daughters to attend together.  It was such a special night.  I realize so far this post has been all about my girl...

On her birthday, I brought cupcakes to school.  Such sweet kiddos!

And for her big day, she requested crab legs.  The girl has good, expensive taste!

And on Friday, it was my boys 13th!!!  HOW did that happen so fast?  We officially have a teen!
And why does he look like a grown man in this picture???  I absolutely adore this big boy of mine!

Our last girls night out before baby Henry arrives...

On February 7th, Henry Grey entered the world.  He is so already very loved and I think is still quite the surprise to his parents.  Lol!  I love that he was born on Trace's birthday!

On Saturday the 8th, we woke up to this...  It was gorgeous and we had a ball playing in it.  I was expecting 11 boys for a sleepover that night for Trace's birthday so I was glad it came and went quickly.  Sadie's first snow.  And she loved it!!
The huge snowballs that stuck to her feet didn't slow her down one bit.  She stayed out there for hours playing with the kids. And I didn't realize just how dirty my "white" dog was until I saw her in the snow.

Later that night, this crew showed up to celebrate Trace's 13th.  Sweet Carol offered up her heated pool with a dome over it to help entertain them.  They loved swimming in February with snow on the ground.  Then they all jumped out of the pool and ran with wet heads and bathing suits to play basketball in her back yard.  That STRESSED me, but they didn't seem to feel the freezing temperatures at all!

The next day, we celebrated Papaw's 70th birthday at Carol and Larrys.  It was such a fun and special night.

Valentines in Mrs. Levengers class...
Jimmy and some partners bought a BIG house on the back side of Signal Mtn with 40 acres. So one day we loaded up the 4 wheeler, jeepster and some guns and went up to play.  I told the kids we were like the redneck Kardashians for the day...

Keatyn is finally old enough and tall enough to ride in the front seat.  This was her maiden voyage.  You should hear all the bickering this new adventure has caused between my two.  Ugh...

And now it is March 15th and the coronavirus has taken over the world.  Our schools have been closed until April 14th, after Spring Break.  We are pretty much in quarantine for the next month.  It is unknown exactly what we are dealing with and it is really scary.  We are trying our best not to panic and to stay in (which if you know me, is NOT easy!)  We are praying for this entire situation and trying to stay optomistic and healthy!