Monday, April 6, 2020

Coronavirus Quarantine Week 2 and 3

Well, it is Monday April 6th.  My sweet nephew's 1st birthday.  Man, I miss that kiddo!  It is Spring Break for us and Hamilton County and while it is much different than any we have ever had, we are finding joy in the small things.  And counting our blessings.  

Late last week, the Governor mandated a "Shelter in Place" order.  Essentially that means everyone is supposed to stay home.  They have closed most all businesses except "essential" businesses which includes grocery, pharmacies, hardware, auto supply, etc...  The parks and public gathering spots like Coolidge, the walking bridge, Greenway, and Riverpark are closed.  The mandate pretty much asks your family to stay in your home and/or yard with as little commute as possible.  We are fortunate that we have Sisty's house with a dock and the pontoon docked there so we can get out on the water.  Fishing and hunting are still allowed so Jimmy hasn't gone crazy yet.  In fact, we sat in the truck at the top of the ridge at sunset last night listening for turkeys to gobble in the woods.  Lol!  

Keatyn and I attempted banana bread again the other day with the correct ingredients.  Never knew baking soda was so important.  Ha!  It was DELICIOUS!

We have been getting out and walking as much as possible.  I took her to Valleybrook/Windbrook to count the hearts in the windows.  I've GOT to keep moving or I will seriously be sorry when all this is over.  Our hill at home is great for getting the heart rate up but my left foot has been bothering me for about a month and a half now so I'm trying to stick to flat surfaces when I can.  Love getting some sunshine and fresh air with my favorite girl!
This past weekend, we took the pontoon out again to pick up Jimmy's hunting cameras off the water.  Keatyn was determined to get in the water and realized really quickly that just because the temperature outside was 80 degrees that day, the water was NOT.

We have watched Red Bank Baptist, Pastor Sam Greer on TV the last 2 Sundays.  I heard him speak when I went with Penny to meet Phil Fulmer a few years ago and really liked him.  He's a good southern Baptist with some spunk so he's been fun to watch on TV.  Keatyn kepts asking why he was yelling.  LOL... she's not used to that.
One night I was walking at Sisty's house after we got off the boat and came across a neighbor that had just built this.  She said she just thought the world could use a little hope.  I absolutely loved it! She had it full of pansies now for Easter and will bring it out again at Christmas with poinsettas. 

We have been crappie fishing twice since this started.  We haven't had enough to keep and cook yet but it's been really fun and good to get out on the water.  Jimmy could fish for HOURS where as the kids and I prefer a few hours and only really when we are catching them.  Lol!  We try to hang, but no one is more dedicated than daddy.

Sadie fell in the live well while she was watching them swim.  So funny...

Timber and that tongue...

LOVE this...
This was going around Facebook last week so we had to try it.  You tape off a design with painters tape and color it in with sidewalk chalk.  Keatyn loved it and we even got Trace involved some.

Taught the kids to play Yahtzee...

Getting her PE in...
We had to pull an April Fools Day joke and someone made this meme.  We videoed the kids reaction when we told them they would have to repeat the 7th and 3rd grade but it won't load on here.  Trace didn't believe it for a minute and immediately started googling it, Keatyn just kept looking pitiful saying... no way.  Got to keep laughing...

I wish this numbers were still the case... Sadly, we have FAR surpassed these numbers.  Over 300,000 cases in the US and almost 9,000 deaths.  This week is supposed to be one of the worsts and President Trump told the nation to prepare for staggering numbers in the next 2 weeks as the apex of this virus hits.  It is heartbreaking and terrifying.

Practicing our turkey calls from the truck...

and the creek...
Trace's hair was in desperate need of a haircut!  His sideburns grow faster than any head of hair I've ever seen.  Mom cutting hair was never even an option.  I have proven myself to be the fartherest thing from a barber.  Jimmy was totally up for it and did a great job!

His face... hee hee...

The before...

Making purple pancakes before Sunday church service...

In need of a pedicure...

A little water hose fun...

This girl was SO excited to make chocolate covered strawberries.  Dancing while she's waiting on the chocolate to melt. Can you tell we are enjoying our food around here?

And just because this made me laugh out loud when I read it.  Who knew???

And this man-child awoke at noon and came down for a cup of coffee.  He loves me and my pictures.

Praying after this week, the curve starts flattening, and those infected start to recover.  God's got this!