Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Circle of Life

We have truly lived the circle of life this week.

Last Wednesday, my Aunt Sue passed away from cancer. She was an amazing lady who loved the Lord with all of her heart.

As sad as I was to hear the news, my mind immediately thought of heaven where I pictured a grand celebration taking place, when she was reunited with her two sisters (one being my grandmother). Those 3 were so amazing together. They used terms like scooter-pooping for what most called running errands, spoke in pig latin to one another around the young-uns that no one else could decipher, and perfected the art of enjoying a "plate lunch".

She told my parents a few days before she died, that she wasn't scared, she knew where she was going and she was ready... she had a lot of people on the other side she'd been waiting a long time to see.

What a testament to a life well lived.

This picture was taken at my baby shower 3 years ago. Sue is in the middle, between my Aunt Gail and mother-in-law, Sylvia.
The night we buried Sue, God sent us an angel to take her place...

"Cole James (after my grandfather) Garrison"
My cousin Casey, had Cole a few hours after Sue was laid to rest. While half of my family was here, saying goodbye at her funeral, the other half was in Atlanta anxiously awaiting Cole's arrival and texting us updates from the waiting room.

Ironically, Cole was first named (pending his daddy's approval, of course!) when a barely pregnant Casey, her sister Carrie, and I were floating in a pool in Florida last August when we flew down to see my Papaw J-Bird before he died. She didn't know if she was having a boy or a girl, but she knew it's middle name would be James, after him.

He died 2 days later, but a part of him was born again Friday night.

The Circle continues...

Papaw J-Bird with Trace in September 07

On Sunday afternoon, Jimmy's grandfather died at 97. He lived a long, good life and up until a few years ago, was quite active and was still able to attend church. I am so glad I have these pictures of him with Trace for him to see one day.

When we got the call that Big D was gone, I couldn't help but think of all of those we've lost in the last 7 months. It honestly just seemed like too much. Don't get me wrong, I know they all lived long lives and were more fortunate than many, it's just hard to watch them go.

When you think of the people you grew up with, those you thought would always be here, because they were the "adults", then you begin to realize that your generation are now the "adults" and those you've loved are slowly fading, it's hard.

But then God showed me the circle yet again... when the phone rang late that night and my mom tells me that my cousin Allison has just had her baby boy, Cohen. And again, there is hope and joy. It is truly a reminder that life does go on and the circle of life continues.

Families grow, families grieve, and families grow again.

I had always hoped that Trace would have a chance to know and remember these people. Now, only through pictures and stories will he know the part they played in his life. They are the ones who built our families, who came before us and who will be waiting on the other side to hug us when we get to heaven!

My Uncle Hutch
As my friend Andrea wrote on her blog the other day about turning the dreaded 30... Do not regret growing older, it is a privilege denied to many. ~Author Unknown

So true Andi.

We will take the years we are given, try to live them with grace and gratitude, and then rejoice in heaven until we all meet again!


Amanda O'Rear said...

So beautiful! Enjoyed reading this very much!

Congrats to your family on a beautiful new baby boy! Yall all make beautiful babies!!