There's our lil' squirt at 11 weeks and 5 days! I needed to hear that precious heartbeat just one more time before I actually put it in writing. We went this morning to the doctor...I have to go to the high risk docs now, because I'm old :( but Baby #2 seems to be doing great so far!
I just put it on Facebook, which is like the equivalent of the ticker running across the bottom of the screen on CNN, so I guess it's official now. ha!
Jimmy and I found out on June 7th, my first day of teaching VBS. I was suspicious and hopeful, but after a day of standing on chairs, hanging things from the ceiling and pushing tables all over tarnation in order to transform our Fellowship Hall at church into an Under the Sea extravaganza, I decided I better find out. I took a test that night and we were both a little dumbfounded when it said this...Isn't it funny, you plan, you try, you pray... and then when the stick actually says it you kinda look at each other like, "How did that happen!?!" We were SO thrilled. The hardest part was waiting the 2 weeks to tell our parents. I was working with my mom at VBS everyday that week and I couldn't look her in the eye, I knew she'd see right through me.
We decided we wanted to wait until Father's Day (June 20th) to tell them just like we had done 4 years ago on Father's Day with Trace. Call me a sucker for tradition, but I just couldn't help it. The difference this time was that we found out literally minutes before telling our parents with Trace. I barely got my hands washed and the toilet flushed after the stick turned "blue" before we were in the car on our way to tell them. But it was so special to get to tell them they were going to be grandfathers for the first time on Father's Day and we wanted to try to wait.
Then we realized Jimmy's parents were going to be out of town that weekend, so we invited them to go eat dinner to "celebrate" early on Thursday and decided unless we were ready to announce it to the entire Longhorn restaurant, we better do it at home before we left... good call!
Jimmy wrote a very sweet card to his dad and talked about what an amazing father he had always been, and what a great grandfather he was to Trace. Then he ran out of room on the front, drew an arrow to the back, and said... "so we thought you might like to do it again!"That was only the second time in the 8 years I've known Jim that I actually saw him speechless!
My parents, Kadi and Andy came over for Father's Day dinner. That was the LONGEST dinner of my life! After we ate and in between putts on the final day of the US Open I ran to the potty to tickle on the stick (it's tradition). I wrapped it in the tri-fold card for dad and gave it to him during a commercial break. He nearly didn't open the card because he said he couldn't read it in front of everyone, so I lied and said there was a gift certificate in there (with just a little bit of tee-tee on it... hee-hee!)
I had warned Jimmy to cover Trace's ears, because the last time this happened a particular 4- letter-word came flying out as he burst into tears. Luckily this time... it was just the tears.
Trace had no idea what that thing was in his hand, but he knew it was making quite a commotion.
I'd say the 2 week wait was worth it!
We decided not to tell Trace until we were a little farther along. But, boy did I underestimate the listening powers of a 3-year-old. Jimmy and I thought we were kinda talking in "code" around him until one day he walks up to me, points to my stomach, and says, "Mommy, there's a baby in your belly!" OK, maybe it's time to learn pig latin!
I am coming to the end of my 1st trimester and overall I really can't complain. I've been really tired, but luckily Trace still naps so we've been big napping buddies lately. His bed is by far the most comfortable in the house, and I've loved all the snuggle time I've gotten with him. It makes me sad that there won't be nearly as much time for that once the baby gets here.
I've been nauseated quite a bit but nothing like what I've heard other people go through. I'm happiest when I'm eating, and am constantly thinking about my next meal (not that unusual from my non- pregnancy state.) I am fatter than mud, and can't button half of my clothes already. I started showing IMMEDIATELY and am a little fearful of just what I'll look like come February if I continue on this rate. ha! Before our first ultrasound, Jimmy had some concerns about just how many were in there. I've already had to "graduate" a few sizes up and am trying not to have to buy maternity yet, but baby #2 is making it's appearance a whole lot faster than the first.
I'm due on February 11th, 4 days after Trace turns 4. Trace's b-day is 2-7-07 and this one is due 2-11-11... we will see!
I hope I haven't bored you to tears, but this somewhat serves as my Baby/Belly book, so for memory purposes, I will probably be putting a lot of stuff on here you may not care about (or could have done without knowing!)
We are so thrilled and feel blessed beyond words... please pray for our little miracle!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
A Miracle in the Making...
Posted by Heidi 6 comments
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Fun in the Sun
Summertime means Slip n' Slides and boat rides.
The other day, I set off to Target to get the standard yellow slip n' slide of our childhood (that is after talking Jimmy out of cutting a few pieces of plastic off the roll and laying the water hose on it) and came home with the new-fangled fancy version, complete with an arched waterfall, tunnel (not shown), ramp (not quite ready for yet) and landing pool.
In my defense, it was 30% off and nearly the same price as the original.He had to have a little push from Daddy before he finally got the whole "run and dive" thing down. I can remember doing that for hours as a kid. Sadly, one "run and dive" these days and I'd be laid up for weeks. I watched and cheered from the shade.
We thought it was the summer to try a tube on the boat. Jimmy comes out of Academy Sports with a "rocket." The whole way to the lake, I'm thinking to myself, "how are you going to lift a wiggly 3 year-old on it, keep him stable while you climb on in 30 ft. deep water, and then not sink the back end"
But some things are just better left unsaid...
You had to have been there to witness it and appreciate the humor, but after several attempts... it worked!And this was the face I saw from the boat the entire time...I'd say someone had fun!
Of course, like any speed demon does, he yelled "faster, faster" no less than a dozen times.
Ironically, a few days before I hear from the backseat, "Mommy, I'm gonna have to ask you to slow down a little bit."
We were in the driveway.
And going 5 miles per hour.
He just likes to think he's in charge.
Sweet Miss Ginger kept a careful watch over her boys, like any good Mama Dog would!Needless to say, after about the 3rd run... they were all pooped!
Posted by Heidi 3 comments