Fall Break started off with a bang last weekend with 3 parties to go to. Saturday, we went to Kadi (my sis-in-law's) sisters engagement party at their parents house. They are getting married in Hawaii in May and I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to go, but will have a three month old and 4-year-old my then. Somehow, that trip just doesn't seem possible... or pleasant. :(
That night, we celebrated my Aunt Carol's 60th birthday at Barts. It was a great party and it was so good to get to catch up with family I don't get to see that often.
Aunt Carol and Unc...Toasting the birthday girl...
Carrie, Casey, Aunt Gail, and I...
The next day we had my friend Jill's daughters b-day at Pump-It-Up. Trace was in HEAVEN! I think that's where we will have his party next year. Since he turns 4 three days before my due date in February, I am more than willing to pay for a low-key, low maintenance party somewhere where I don't have to entertain, cook or clean up anything. Call me crazy, but I'd say that will be money well spent!
Happy Birthday Miss Abby!I thought this was hilarious. Ashley's mom just had her baby sister 3 weeks ago. She found this ball and stuffed it in her shirt... so cute!
We've tried to do some fun stuff this week while Trace was out of school. It has been beautiful weather and we enjoyed an afternoon at Andygriff Park (as Trace calls it) with my friends Penny and Lynda and Lynda's grandson Xander. I can't believe I forgot my camera. Xander was so sweet swinging for the first time and going down the slide.
We went and watched my friend Lu's daughter play softball one night and I admit, I really hope Trace wants to play ball someday. I actually told Jimmy on our first date, that I couldn't wait to be a dugout mom... I can't believe he didn't ask for the check right then!
I grew up on the ball field, it was just what my family did and I can't wait until the days we are watching him (and Girby) from the sidelines, eating hotdogs and nachos from the "section stand" for dinner. He literally brought half of the ball field home with him, and slept in it all night because he fell asleep in the car. Oh well, that's what boys do!
On Thursday my mom, Trace, and I took a little trip to Atlanta to start phase one of my nesting fetish... Project Playroom. This is what the soon-to-be playroom looks like now...It gives me high blood pressure just walking into Jimmy's office. It has become our "catch all" room. I open the door, sling something in, and then walk away as quickly as possible.
But hopefully our little trip here will change that...I love this place. It is the meca of home decor and organization, however, it's also like a corn maze inside. I get completely lost every time I go. I asked no fewer than 4 workers where a department was and half of them looked as lost as I was. The other half said, "just go through the blah, blah, blah, department and you'll run right into it, you can't miss it."
Ah, yes... yes you can.
Eventually, we left with what we came for, a 6 piece wall organizational system, 4 shelves and 18 multi-colored buckets to hold all of the toys!I could not have done this without my mom, she watched Trace and pushed the heavy stuff while I tried to make sense of all my scribbled gibberish and measurements.
After we left Ikea, we met my cousins Casey and Carrie and their kids at the mall to let the kiddos play. Casey lives in Atlanta so we don't get to see Drew and baby Cole very often.
This picture pretty much sums up the enthusiasm level of our little Atlanta playdate...As usual, my boy was in full force and coupled with his cousin Abram, their "spirit" was amped up to say the least. Carrie (who has 2 boys) and I have long laughed about how Casey's life is SO about to change when Cole gets a little older. She used to tell us about taking sweet Drew to the mall sans a stroller and casually shopping her way through Pottery Barn and Crate and Barrel. We both were like, "you mean she just walks behind you, for hours, not touching anything???"
Oh sista... life as you know it, is OVER!!
Drew and Trace...Precious Cole and my mom...
They all loved the carousel...
Keith and Lucas...
We've spent all of fall break feeding and flirting with this sweet fella... Rosco. We think he has been abused and after a week he will still not let us touch him, but he may be the next member of the Cofer clan.
This is about the 5th dog in the last month that has shown up at our house. We apparently are the "McKamey" of the county. People just drop dogs off on our road and they eventually end up in our yard. Some haven't been very friendly or stick around too long, but this one is very sweet and skiddish and we have kinda fallen in love with him.
He's a blue tick hound like Smokey, and since Jimmy and Trace have been watching reruns of The Dukes of Hazard on CMT, Rosco (as in Picko Train) is his new name. I want to burst into Rocky Top every time I see him trot up the sidewalk for another cup of food. He was very malnourished when he showed up, so Trace has been feeding him mounds of food everyday... much to Ginger's dismay!Hopefully, we'll eventually win his heart and he'll make a great outdoor "guard" dog. Until then, I'll be buying dog food and treats in bulk.
Best of Sales!
12 hours ago
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