Sunday, December 18, 2011

The faces of Christmas' past (before they get covered with crayon)

I realized while going through old Christmas cards the other day, that the ONLY copy of each of my past cards were cut and crammed into an album that around here could be lost or destroyed at any given moment.

(Have you heard the story of me drawing ALL OVER my parents wedding photos with crayons??? Yes, yes I did. And I can't believe I lived to tell about it. won't be pretty.)

So... I thought it might be smart to "blog" my precious memorabilia to preserve for eternity. lol

Some of the words are chopped off (apparently I went with 5 X 7's a few years, not realizing my photo album only held 4 X 6's) but the jist is still the same...

2007- Trace's first Christmas
(I'm ashamed to admit, I don't think I had ever sent Christmas cards until I had a little cutie-pie to put on one.)
We had lost our precious dog, Chase, that summer and I vowed to get a professional picture with Ginger and Trace after that.
Taken in front of Granddaddy and Sisty's tree in his Christmas pj's.

Anxiously awaiting the arrival of Miss Keatyn.

The word "Joy" jumped out at me when I saw this template, because that is what these two are to me... pure JOY!