Saturday, March 30, 2013

1...3 ...1

The newest game at the Cofer Casa... 
 1... 3... 1.
You start at the fridge.  Count to 3 1, then run to the awaiting person in the living room.  Hopefully, they are actually watching and ready or it could end badly.

 Yes, I will correct her before the S.A.T.s   The irony is that she is indeed 2, and when asked she'll say "I'm 2" (while holding up 3 fingers, but that's irrelevant) yet when it comes to counting, it's always 1...3...1.
It's quite adorable.

 Sometimes big brother likes to try and play "catcher."  Maybe he's in training for the circus.
 This game has Erlanger written all over it.