Wednesday, November 6, 2013

He's Spiderman with a little side of Iron...

I can't believe another Halloween has come and gone.

And another cheap, worthless pumpkin carving kit has been bought, cussed, and then thrown away.  At some point you'd think I'd get the clue.  But I'm a sucker.  This year, I even deluxed it up with a MOTORIZED kid knife.  It lasted about 3 jabs into the good ole' jack-a lantern before it went in the garbage.  There's another $7.95 I'll never get back.  Next year, we're sticking with the tried and true butcher knife and daddy.  Sorry kids.

We jazzed it up this year, using marshmallows for teeth.  An ode to Granddaddy.  The kids loved it.  Apparently, so did the wildlife.  The next day, the poor guy didn't have a tooth left in his head. :(
The weekend before, Marilyn came in from Virginia.  She comes every year around Nanny's birthday and it is always so great to see her.  I forgot to take pictures of our annual Krystal dinner.  Maybe it was because it also happened to be Krystal's 81st birthday and everyone in the tri-state area decided to come buy a Krystal burger for $.25.  Since Emily is due in a few weeks with Gunner, we decided to make Sunday dinner a baby shower as well so Marilyn could be here for it.  I can't wait to meet that precious boy!
Speaking of precious boys...
We attempted this picture last year, and I swear it took a year off my life.  This time went much smoother. :)

Kissing cousins?
I knew I had maybe one more year to do matching outfits before the near decade era of "princesses" began.  In fact, if you asked her up until Halloween day what she was going to be, her reply was always "a pwincezzz"  (You have to imagine the little 2-year-old lisp)

I ordered Trace a Spiderman and Ironman costume (thank you Zulily) back in the summer and he said Spiderman was his choice.  So we needed a SpiderGIRL to match :)  On our way out the door to Keatyn's preschool party, Trace asked if I still had my Cat in the Hat costume (which I hadn't worn since I was 6 months pregnant in 2010)

Mind you, I was already fully dressed in regular clothes (shoes on and everything) but how many more Halloweens are my kids going to want me to dress up with them???  So, into the closet I went, and after some digging...
(Notice our toothless pumpkin)
I may have been the only grownup besides the HPC staff that was dressed up, but oh well.

Then, 2 nights later on Halloween...
Spiderman became Ironman.  And the cuteness of matching Spidergirl was totally lost.  But you've got to pick your battles.  I'm slowly learning.
We trick-or-treated at Kadi's parents house in Valleybrook and had a great time!  I decided my heart couldn't take chasing a 2-year-old through the streets IN THE DARK, so we went earlier this year and skipped our usual pre-trick or treating dinner.  (So yes, my children's entire nutritional intake for the evening consisted of sugar, sugar, and more sugar.)
The "more mature" generation was not quite up to making the haul this year and opted to sit on Carol's front porch swing passing out the loot.  Between my mom's recent knee surgery, Sylvia's recent neck surgery, and Aunt Gail's booted foot, they were a sad, sad bunch.  I pray all the Grands will be back to 100% next year!
So glad to have these fun family traditions on Halloween!
I secretly hope these 2 give us another trick or treat-er soon!  ;0
It's 6 days post Halloween, and the kids have kinda forgotten about their pillowcases of candy on top of the fridge, but Jimmy and I have managed to pilfer every Twix, Baby Ruth, Snickers, and Tootsie Roll from their stash.

We call it Candy Tax.  Might as well teach 'em while they're young.