Friday, December 6, 2013


Today, I celebrate 10 years with this guy.  He has put up with me, loved me, dried my tears, made me laugh, and given me my 2 precious little loves.

I don't know what I'd do without him.  And hope to not find out for another 50+ years.

 The way we were...

I found this one last night and texted Lu.  10 years doesn't sound like much until you think the baby sitting in my lap is now a middle schooler that's as tall as I am.
 We are admittedly fatter, wrinklier, grayer, and balder (cough) but who isn't after 10 years?

And all those things that gave us the wrinkles and gray hairs, are what I wouldn't trade for the world.

Not to mention the 15 extra pounds I'm still carrying around after birthing 2 babies.

Wouldn't. Trade. For. The. WORLD.

We've been talking for weeks about what we should do to celebrate 10 years.  A trip seemed to be the most obvious choice.  An adult trip, that is.  But then, this man, that didn't think he wanted children said... "I don't think I can go off and leave them, even for just a few days."

And I fell in love all over again.

So we are planning a little get away for the 4 of us between Christmas and  New Years.  Something kid friendly, and full of family fun and that's just perfect with me!  We will have years when they're grown to jet off to Aruba and bask in the sun.  I want to make memories with them now while we can.

For now, I'm happy to settle for a nice date night dinner at Ruth Chris and going home to watch our wedding video, which has become our tradition.  I need more and more Kleenex every year as I see the ones we have lost. 

For 10 years I've caught heat over our first dance.  He reminds me all the time and every time we watch the video how I was looking around and waving to the crowd.

That is something I regret.  We walked straight in to our reception, to hundreds of people and I couldn't focus.  I wanted to see the flowers, the food, the set up, the cakes, the band, the centerpieces, where the bars were, did they get the big screen for the SEC Championship game.  Months and months of planning and decisions had culminated into this one night and I couldn't concentrate on dancing with my new husband because  I wanted to take it all in.

I now give this advice to brides planning their wedding.  DO NOT let the first dance be the first thing you do.  Look around and let it all sink in, hug your family and friends, THEN go dance with your new husband. And actually look at him.

I googled Alabama's song "There's No Way," our first dance, and tonight after the video I asked him if I could have a re-do.  We danced in our living room, holding the iPad, while Keatyn bounced around us singing Ring Around The Rosie as she tried to poop.

It was incredibly smelly romantic.

But this is what our life looks like10 years later.

And it's real.

And it's wonderful.

And we are Blessed.


Jane said...

what a fun night that was too!!! Of course, it doesn't seem possible that it was 10 years ago...Happy Anniversary to you two...we love you both!!