Saturday, February 1, 2014

January Hijinks

I can't believe a whole month has come and gone already.  Time just seems to be flying by.  My babies will turn 3 and 7 this week.  And in keeping with tradition, they are predicting a big snow for the day of Trace's birthday party.  Sigh. 

How did we manage to have not one, but two babies, in early February?!?  

Again... keeping with tradition, Keatyn is totally getting slided on her birthday festivities.  I know this is probably the last year she won't know to ask for a "real" party, so I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts.  Chuck E. Cheese with our little family will do again for this year. :)

January was gone in a flash.  Nothing major, just life...

This is one I'll probably catch grief over in about 10 years but it's too funny not to remember.  This was the one and only picture I could capture between simultaneously giggling and burying my face in embarrassment.  
So, once you've earned your green belt in Tae-Kwon-Do, you get to start sparring.  You buy a fancy Tiger Rock duffel bag full of pads, a mouthpiece and apparently a cup.  However, Jimmy nor I thought to check the bag and actually train Trace as to where each piece goes and what it's function is.  

So this is his karate instructor kindly taking the cup... off of Trace's head.  He obviously thought it was protection for his ear.  

In the 26 years Rick Hall's been in business, he said that was a first. Nice...   

The parents in the gallery all got a big kick out of it, and Jimmy quickly rushed Trace into the bathroom to help him put things properly in place. :)  At that point, I was so thankful daddy was there.

The kids, Nana and I stayed at Uncle Andy and Uncle Kadi's (as Keatyn calls her) for the night while they flew to Pasadena, California for the National Championship game.  War Eagle!!! The game didn't end as we had hoped, but we sure had fun with their fur babies!

Dr. Cofer...
With the new year brings new resolutions.  Many of which will be broken before the temperatures climb above freezing.  At the end of our last bible study, my Monday Morning Mom's group threw out the idea of reading the bible cover-to-cover.  It's always been on my bucket list and I was all aboard.  I assumed it would be a 2014, year long project.  


This is what our fearless leader picked. 
I'm telling y'all, this is not for the weak. I honestly don't know if I can do it.  IT. IS. A. LOT.  A huge commitment.  We have stretched it with school breaks and not being able to meet every Monday to about 121 days but it's still intense!  I want so badly to be able to do it and actually retain what I'm reading.  It's just a very difficult time in my life to devote that much time to reading everyday.  (Plus I'm not a big reader... I'm much more a TV fan :)

 Love them so much...
Guess who peed in her car seat on the way home from dinner...warranting her 2nd bath of the day?
We went roller skating for the first time last weekend and it was SO much fun!  They did really great.  It brought back so many memories of Christy, Casey, Carrie, and I at the skating rink in Hixson on Saturday mornings. 
They even played Celebration by Kool and the Gang, which was a skating rink C-LASSIC!  I kept waiting on red light/ green light but it never happened. Trace would have loved it!

Later that afternoon, while Keatyn was "napping", Jimmy called me into our bedroom to listen to her on the monitor.  It took a minute, but we finally deciphered... "Who let the dogs out.  Who, who, who, who, who?" 
That's my girl.  This generation may not know who Michael Jackson is :( but as long as they've got Celebration and Who Let the Dogs Out, they'll be OK.

We waited a short forever to get one of these handy boogers and it totally changed the game.  Where were these 30 years ago??

Tropical Tuesday at school...
Trace did the Jelly Bean Scientist class after school for a few weeks and loved it.  He even won a bag of jelly beans for best behaved.  So proud!
Jimmy and I got an unexpected date night at the movies and we happened to sit down right next to a group of guys from our church.  Their wives are all in my mom's group, so  I texted them this picture of me on a date with their hubbies.  I now know why they opted out of "Lone Survivor" and let it be a guys night out movie.  Wow... chick flick, feel good, rom-com, it was not!!
And to finish off January perfectly, we got 2 unexpected snow days.  I had NO idea it was even in the forecast but by the time I got home from dropping Keatyn off at school, the deck was solid white and they were texting that the hill was freezing and to come get them A.S.A.P.  Thank goodness Jimmy was with me in his 4 wheel drive truck and we started the trek down to CCS to rescue the kids.  3.5 hours later, we were home.  And sledding.  Sorta.

They got to miss school for the next 2 days so we do what all good rednecks do in the south and hitched up the sled (if you can even call it that) to the 4 wheeler for some fun, that eventually turned into muddin'.

As I write this, Trace is at his first sleepover with his buddy Isaac.  They've been in class together for 2 years now.  I'll admit... mama bear's a little nervous.  He's had friends over to spend the night here, but this is his first time away, other than with family.  He was so excited and I hope he's having a blast!  

Thank you January. It's been fun!

February, here we come!