Wednesday, February 24, 2016

My Funny Valentines

Valentines happened to fall on Trace's winter break.  They were out of school on Friday and Monday and we tossed around going somewhere warm, but in the end just hung out here and tried to throw some fun in.  Trace would probably argue that point while sitting through 1.5 hours of Keatyn's gymnastics and dance classes on Friday morning, followed up with 2 flip house stops.  Prepare yourself for loud moaning and groaning if you ever say, "we have to go to a few houses" to my kids.  They are over it. Sorry guys, that's what puts food in your bellies. ;)

So Keatyn has mentioned a time or two about getting her ears pierced.  There are about 5 little girls in her dance class that have sweet little earrings.  I was on board, but her daddy, however, took some convincing.  Saturday morning we headed out to make an attempt.  We went to Claire's in the mall where we quickly realized a crowded mall on Saturday with the ear piercing chair sitting practically in the middle of the spectators was probably not the best combo for an already shaky client.  WHY do they put it right outside the store, allowing everyone who passes to stop and stare?

On this day, we didn't drum up any business, I promise you.  The little 9 year-old in front of us was kinda pitiful.  Her parents were a little bullyish (is that a word?) and we could tell from the looks of things, she was going to be a screamer.  So I took Keatyn into Gymboree next door and browsed the racks while the boys stood watch outside waiting for this little girl to go first and give us the all clear.  It never came.  After 30 minutes of "pretending" to shop, we made our way back out into the mall to find the girl had chickened out and left.  Trace was visibly disappointed.  He was overly invested at this point.  Finally, it was Sassy's turn.
The big chair. Check
In mommy's lap. Check
Holding the huge lovey for support. Check

Nope. Not gonna happen.
Meanwhile, during all the earring drama, this sweet boy got a haircut and then we headed to lunch at Logan's before a little family bowling.  He was REALLY pumped to see his sister get her ears pierced, so he had to soothe the disappointment with a Dr. Pepper.
After lunch, we headed to Holiday Bowl for some fun. It was cosmic bowling which means black lights and loud music.  We all were aglow.  My plan was to play 1 game and then play in the arcade for a while.  BUT once I beat Jimmy in the first game, he demanded a rematch.  And after I beat him AGAIN, the 3rd game was a must.  I finally let him win because honestly I thought my middle finger was broken and I was beyond ready to go home.  Hee Hee!!

We came home to this... Sparring in the living room and tattoo mustaches.

The next morning, we woke up to lots of love.  These little Valentines have had my heart since day 1!
Uncle Andy and Aunt Kadi came by to give the kids their belated birthday presents.  This girl is all about dressing up!  She loved it.
Pie Face.  Rapid fire photos of how this game works at the Cofer house when the dog is allowed to stay inside...

Keatyn loves to help me in the kitchen and couldn't wait to make a fruit salad just like her and Papaw did down in Florida.  So proud!
Timber loves nothing more than a muddy hole after a good rain, which results in a nice bath afterwards.  Trace volunteered to give him a shower the other day and climbed in with him.  I'm pretty sure he bathed himself and the dog with puppy shampoo, but who cares.  How cute are they?
This is the common sight when I go to get Keatyn from my moms.  Booty shop has taken on a new level.  Nana sure is a good sport.  It took days to get all that glittery lip gloss off her forehead.  Love these two!