Wednesday, April 20, 2016


So for all the misery that Spring Break was for my girl (you know falling head first out of a bunk bed and the torrential downpours at the beach) last week was a big one for her!  I'd say it made up for it all.  Two big milestones around here.
No training wheels...
Look closely.  That bottom smile is missing a tooth.  And before you assume so, no, she didn't knock it out while riding her bike.  That would have ranked about as high as falling out of a bunk bed.
Oh, I wish my videos would load here.  Trace took a selfie video of him commentating her first bike ride with no training wheels.  Let's just say, the boy has a future in broadcasting. It was hilarious.  That girlie jumped right on her bike and after about 2 trips up the driveway with her daddy holding on to her seat, she was off.  She picked it up SO fast and has already learned how to start, stop, and use her hand brakes.  She got a little too happy with the hand brakes the first attempt and nearly flipped head first over her handbars. I told her there were no more trips to the ER allowed in her near future,  I don't want to be on the DCS list somewhere.  Lordy, my nerves. 

I picked her up from my parents the other day and she presented me with a beautiful, purple gift bag.  When I opened it, I found her first tooth wrapped in a baggie.  She had pulled it herself after working it for days.  She was beyond proud.  My baby is growing up.  

She and Sisty had already sewed a tooth fairy pillow and it was hanging on her door, waiting for this occasion.  The tooth fairy was particularly tired that night and nearly blew her job when she couldn't outlast the 5 year old.  Everytime I would sneak into her room, she was laying there wide awake.  I finally fell asleep holding the money in my hand and when I heard her get up in the middle of the night to potty,I  ran in before I got busted.

She has been talking about this Orbeez Spa ever since she played with one at Halen's house 2 years ago.  The tooth fairy had to add a little to her stash in order for her to afford it, but you only loose your first tooth once right?  We've all been enjoying wonderful foot spas treatments ever since.

And what better way to torture your dog, than to try and give him a relaxing foot rub?

Turns out he would much rather just eat the Orbeez...

Since then, there's been soccer and more soccer...

And a trip from the cousins for SK's dance competition...

Enjoying these last few months of "my baby" before Kindergarten takes her away during the day.  So thankful to be these two's mama!
