Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Spring Break or bust

The kiddos were out for Good Friday and the following week, so breaking with our typical "Easter" tradition, we picked them up from school on Thursday and headed south.  It felt really weird not being at home and our church on Easter Sunday, but Jimmy had to get back mid week for work. 
Look close, see that 3rd little head back there.  Yeah, he got to go too ;)
Mother Nature wasn't kind to us. But as I told Trace, "A rainy day in Florida is still better than a sunny day at school." :)  That held true until about the 3rd straight day of rain.  Luckily, we packed lots of games, and had some fun Easter activities to keep us busy in the condo.  We pulled in in the pouring rain on Thursday night and it literally didn't stop until Sunday night.  But really?  How can you complain?  I was just thankful to be there safely with my favorite people.  We are very blessed we have an amazing place to come to, and have rarely had a wash out, so we were long overdue.
 I will say, when it rains nonstop for 3 days, you spend a lot more money.  Eek!  The outlet mall got 2 extra vistiors that NEVER want to partake and the Disney store made out like a bandit.  This little princess talked her daddy into a new Belle dress because "I don't have a yellow one."  Sheesh... I'm in trouble.
Sisty and Granddaddy got there Friday afternoon and my parents got there Friday night. They stayed in a hotel right outside Sandestin and we mainly just met up for dinner at night until the rain stopped.
Saturday morning was the Easter Egg Hunt that was moved inside.  Those little "sand buckets" had to be upgraded to lawn size garbage bags.  Ha!

Their loot...

And then, Saturday night happened.  This is one Mommy Fail I will NEVER forget.  Keatyn has wanted to sleep in the top bunk every since they went up last summer.  I've always said no.  In a moment of "it's never going to stop raining" weakness, I let her.  And at midnight, she came flying over me and onto the tile floor below.  The thud, the scream. Insert me nearly having a heartache right here.  If this had happened at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, it would have been bad.  But we would have waited it out.  There is something so much scary about nighttime.  She finally quit crying and wanted to go back to sleep but there was NO WAY  I was going to let her knowing she had hit her head.  That's when I woke up Jimmy and we shuffled quietly around in the dark, sneaking out of the condo, trying not to wake up Granddaddy, Sisty and Trace.  We made the fortunately short drive to the Sacred Hearts Hospital ER.  Sigh.  We pass that hospital on our way in everytime and I've always been grateful we've never entered the doors, until now.   This could have been SO MUCH WORSE.  I am so thankful the good Lord was watching over her when she plunged off that bed and landed face first. 
This was her sweet little face.  When I looked at her, I could have cried.  This could have been so bad.  We left there very grateful.  And we managed to sneak back in at 3 in the morning and head back to bed.  This time, Sassy was tucked in close to me in the bottom bunk, where she will stay for the next few years.  The guilt was terrible, facing my sweet in laws the next morning knowing I had made the wrong choice and how badly that could have turned out.  Thank you Jesus.
We had all brought Sunday outfits and had found a worship service in Sandestin to go to. However, the events of the night derailed that plan.  We filled our last rainy day with Easter egg dying and cookie decorating.

That afternoon we drove up 30A to check out a foreclosure with this view.  SOLD!  Lol!
On Monday, the sun finally showed up and we hit the beach!!

We went to Acme that night for dinner with all the grands, watched the HydroMan at the Wharf and then did some bouncing and rock climbing.  These kiddos had energy to BURN!

I somehow never got a picture with my parents, but I swear they were there.  Ha!  The last day we rode our bikes back to the Wharf and played there in the morning, then hit the pool in the afternoon before watching the fireworks that night.
We headed home on Wednesday and had a couple of days at home before the kids headed back to school.  So all in all, not our best spring break trip, Keatyn came home with a shiner and a new fear of bunk beds and we all gained a much better appreciation for sunshine in the Sunshine State.  ;)