Tuesday, June 23, 2020

A sweet surprise

Marilyn, I hope you are still able to check my blog and read this.  You are my one and only faithful reader. Lol!  I know you have really had a rough go lately and I'm so thankful you are home and feeling better.  Keatyn made you this sign to show you your Tennessee family loves you and are praying for your healing!  Hang in there and keep fighting!!  WE LOVE YOU!

A few weeks ago, I called my sweet Nanny at Regency just to check in.  She was her typically chipper self and always acts like she is fine, even though she has now been locked in there alone since the middle of March.  When I asked her how she really was, she admitted how lonely she was.  It broke my heart.  I started crying on the phone but I think I hid it pretty well.  We finished talking and I drove the rest of the way home praying.  I just prayed that the Lord would let me hug her neck soon, let her come out of the other side of this able to see her family again and some sense of normalcy.  I prayed to give her peace and comfort during this lonely time and for those we have entrusted to care for her to be kind and loving to her.  

That weekend, we were all meeting at Fairview Road to talk about getting it ready to sale and we decided to do a drive by and say hi to Nanny.  Keatyn made her a banner and we called ahead and asked Thomas to bring her up to the front.  Because she isn't on an outside room, we haven't been able to see her through a window or anything.  Thomas was able to get her out of her beloved chair and walked her up to the front door.  We just waved and blew kisses through the door and she just cried and cried, which we knew she would.  She is the most precious thing.  I can just imagine her saying... "Oh my word" over and over through tears.  I hope it let her know how much we think about her and love her.  And I pray it brightened her day just a little.  I know it did mine.