Saturday, August 15, 2020

Straight teeth and tow boats

Be still my heart.  My handsome boy got his braces off July 23 after having them on since a few days after 5th grade graduation.  Covid 19 added about 2 extra months to his 2 year sentence because he missed a tightening when the orthodontist was shut down but LOOK HOW PRETTY THEY ARE!!!  

I had prepared him on the way over for the goopy, gaggy impressions he would have to do to get his retainers made.  Instead, we went back about 3 hours after his first appointment to pick up his little, clear invisalign looking retainers they made for him on his 3D printer in his office.  Seriously?  They scanned his mouth and made it in the back.  Boy, how things have changed.  I feel like he missed a rite of passage.  These kids really have it easy these days. Lol!  I remember my huge, chunky retainer with the metal wire running across the front of my teeth that made me talk funny and my tongue raw for weeks.  He only has to wear these retainers for 8 weeks 24/7 and then only at night.  My goodness, times have changed.

We finally braved it enough to take the dogs out on the boat and while we were making our first run on the tube we heard a loud pop and the boat died.  Dead, in the smack middle of the lake.  Luckily, Jimmy's subscription to Boat Tow US was still valid so after about an hour, they rescued us all.  The kids and I had fun playing in the water while we waited.  Sadie nearly got stung by a bee and drowned and Timber threw up all over us in the water but we all made it back to shore safe and sound.   The tow back was so peaceful.  Trace commented about how relaxing and nice it was just cruising. We told him that is how most people ride, not always running 40 miles per hour swirling and yanking trying to throw kids off a tube.  Lol!

With the boat in the shop, we finally got the Sea Doo out of Granddaddy's garage.  We hadn't used it all summer or the summer before.  We totally forgot how fun it was!  Trace has learned to drive it solo and we pulled both of the kids up on skis on it.  

Making guacamole...

Keatyn is back swimming at GPS until school starts.  One day I talked Trace into walking the bridges downtown with me while she was at practice.  Love time with my boy!

Scooting skeet at the huge house on the mountain.  Trace LOVED it!

Keatyn didn't love the kick back of one of the guns...

And the dogs... well lets just say Timber, the bird hunting dog, didn't quite live up to his breed description.  He was terrified.  He kept trying to get up in my lap everytime the gun was shot.  We ended up putting him in the truck with the radio blaring.  Lol!  Jimmy couldn't believe it.

This girl and her daddy.  They are thick as thieves...