I apologize in advance if this seems off-colored or offensive to anyone, but I said in a previous post, this is like my running diary of pregnancy... and this is just the talk that comes with it.
I'm must more observant of the things I write now that my 82-year-old grandmother has a laptop and internet access. ha!
But, this blog is about my life, and unfortunately, this was my morning...
Jimmy and I went to the doctor today for my 18 week check-up. When they called me back to the room, the nurse (who I really like and see every time) jokingly told us to walk slowly because she needed to finish cleaning the room.
So we walk in, (and let me just stop here and paint a picture for anyone never having the good fortune of being in an OB/GYN exam room) to see the exam table complete with fresh, crisp white paper and stirrups (oh joy!) , the lovely paper vest and drape to "wear" folded neatly in a drawer underneath, the hanger on the wall for your clothing that will have to be removed (joy again), the sliding stool with casters set at rear end height (after all, they aren't examining your tonsils), the chair in the corner for the unfortunate person having to accompany the patient, the table and sink with various metal instruments, bottles, extra long q-tips, and latex gloves, and of course the huge double window facing the parking lot with the blinds appropriately turned downward.
Can't you just wait to get back there ladies!?!
I was thrilled beyond words when the nurse skipped the paper outfit drawer and said I could leave my clothes on, Dr. Adams would only be measuring my belly and listening to the heartbeat today! So I climb, clothes and all, onto the step to get on the table and wait for the doctor when I notice the bottom of my shoe is really slippery. I look down and find... how do I put this nicely? (my Nanny is reading this)... a big glob of lubricant on the step. Oh so thankful I left my shoes on!
So, I of course call Jimmy over at once to "examine" the glob and determine that yes it is in fact lube, when I go to step down off the table and slide in it. Thankfully, Jimmy was standing in front of me and I managed to grab him before I hit the floor or the table with my belly and/or head. I twisted my ankle and scraped up my wrist, but you'll be proud to know I managed to avoid falling directly into the "glob."
I've never been a graceful faller, nor a quiet one... so after we both realized little missy and I were alright, we burst into laughter.
I couldn't help but think, what a story... Pregnant woman falls off exam table, busting her head open, after slipping on a glob of KY Jelly.
Oh, the horror.
I carefully reposition myself back up on the table. Quickly, then did the question arise... "Was that glob of lube from before or after the exam???" Ya know what I mean???
I chose to think "before" and proceeded to clean off my shoe very, very carefully.
When Dr. Adams came in, I was still a little shaken from my near lube fall and told her about the mess on the step. She looked horrified and immediately grabbed paper towels and soap to begin cleaning it up. She bypassed the gloves, which again reinforced in my mind that it was indeed from "before" the exam. Then she washed her hands thoroughly before measuring my belly.
Just another day at the office.
In other news...
Belly bump at 17 weeks... I'm a little behind.Trace has taken to calling his little sister "girl baby" and when he says it quickly it resembles "girby" so we have dubbed her in utero nickname Girby (every baby needs one, Trace's was Tator Tot) until an official name is decided.
I will be 19 weeks tomorrow, and have felt her move randomly at times but most often at night.
Girby measured perfectly today and had a heart rate of 151.
I have been thinking about some similar comparisons to my pregnancy with Trace. I'm not normally a "statistical" kind of person, but it hit me today that this pregnancy has been strangely close to the last one. For example...
We found out we were pregnant both times in June, with Trace on June 18th (Father's Day), this time on June 7th. That's 11 days apart.
Trace's due date was February 21st, Girby's due date is February 10th (they changed it from the 11th). That's 11 days apart.
I drug out my belly book from Trace and at my 18 week appt I had gained a total of 13 pounds.
Today, although I started 6 pounds heavier with this one... sigh... I have gained a total of 13 pounds at 18 weeks. Strange, isn't it?
Both of these 18 week checkups showed my iron was low and I began iron pills.
I wrote in the belly book when I was pregnant with Trace, that my kindergarteners figured out I was pregnant and asked me about it for the first time on September 12. My secret was out, they rubbed and kissed my belly everyday after until I went on maternity leave on January 30th.
Just this Monday, September 13th, I took Trace to get a haircut and the hairdresser asked me when my baby was due. I've had a lot of people look at me like... is she pregnant or just fat, but that was the first time someone I didn't know how "known" and commented on my belly. It's official... I'm huge!
My cravings throughout both have been for soy sauce, and Mexican type food. They didn't have Blue Coast Burrito when I was pregnant with Trace, but the steak taco salad has become a MUST for Girby at least once a week. She. Just. Needs. It.
I can also add avocado to the list with this one, which I don't think I had ever even tried before when I was pregnant the first time. I was a late bloomer in the "grown-up, healthy" food department! I used to order a taco salad without the lettuce and tomato. It's no wander I can't get Trace to eat a green vegetable.
My hips ACHE at night, causing me to constantly turn and rotate sides every 1 to 1.5 hours. Getting into a comfy position takes a lot of pillows and re-situating is long and drawn out. I've heard a lot of deep sighs from Ginger at 3 a.m. (Jimmy knows better ha!)
I'm sure I'm a joy to sleep with.
Sometimes the comparisons are scary, but if they continue on this path, I will be 3 centimeters dilated and 70% effaced by 36 weeks (I don't really recommend that), and Girby (hopefully she'll have a real name by then) will be 15 days early just like her big brother. That would actually make her a January baby instead of a February one.
We'll have to wait and see... only God knows!!!
Best of Sales!
12 hours ago
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