Friday, September 7, 2012

A "homemade" birthday

Well, it's birthday season at the Cofer Casa again.  In the Mullendore/Cofer bloodlines, you are either born in February or August.  Everyone else is just an outcast.   No. I'm kidding.  But seriously nearly ALL of Jimmy's family (and there's a lot of them) are all February or August babies.

We usually celebrate Sisty and Granddaddy's b-days together.  This year, Trace decided he wanted to make them a homemade, colorful cake.  (Since his recent discovery of food coloring and sprinkles in my pantry.)

To clarify.  By "homemade" I mean "a Betty Crocker cake" as opposed to "a Baskin Robbins cake" like daddy got a few weeks ago.  There was no churning butter, sifting in flour...blah, blah, blah.

I finally turned the reins over to Trace and allowed him to use the hand mixer.  Gulp. One of my most vivid memories as a child is cooking with my Mamaw.  She was a great cook, and I think of her every time I smell turnip greens simmering.

When I was about Trace's age, she let me use her hand mixer and in my excitement, I pulled the hand mixer out of the bowl while the blades were still going.  I have no doubt she cleaned cake batter off her ceiling and cabinets for days, but she laughed with me about it at the time.  Those are the fun memories I want to make with my kids in the kitchen.

Well, without having to repaint my ceiling. ;)

He wanted color.
One green... one blue.

 The best part of making any cake...
 Purple frosting with sprinkles.  Oh, SO many sprinkles...
 Cake complete.  Candles and all...
 It's safe to say that Federal Bake Shop won't be calling anytime soon, but luckily grandparents are easily impressed!

 So proud...

And then onto the cards and gifts...

Happy birthday Granddaddy and Sisty.
You are so very loved!!!