Saturday, September 29, 2012

Disney- Day 3 (Magic Kingdom)

Someone was a little giddy about getting back to the Magic Kingdom!

 I realized the day before that I had been a little overzealous in planning our sit down meals.  I had a warped sense of how long it really took to travel around the Disney World "compound."  Not everything can be magic.

You walk from your room a ways to the bus pickup, then potentially wait 15 minutes for the next bus to arrive.  Once on the bus, it may take up to 20 minutes to get to your desired park and then of course the walk in.  Two of the restaurants we had reservations for were at another hotel, which meant we would have to then take a water taxi after the bus ride to get there.  Too stressful and time consuming, especially with a toddler that still needed naps.

I realized our out of park dining experiences were quickly becoming a pain in Mickey's tail.  Who needs that on vacation?  So I dumbed it all down and changed our reservations so that we were eating our sit down/character meals for lunch at whatever park we were in that day.  MUCH better... you live and learn. 
We got so lucky and just happened to walk in at the same time the show at Cinderalla's castle was starting. Trace loved watching all the characters dance and sing.  We probably wouldn't have taken the time out of riding to walk all the way back to the castle, so we were excited to hit it at just the right time.

We went first to Splash Mountain, and Sisty kindly offered to keep Keatyn while we all rode it.  We didn't get any pictures :(  Trace loved it and we got a little wet which felt fantastic!  I had foolishly packed my flat iron and curling iron, but they never left my suitcase.  Between sweating and the water rides, my hair never left a ponytail or a hat.  Another reality you learn in Disney!

Next, we rode the Jungle Cruise (I took pictures, but have no idea what happened to them), which Jim and Sylvia remembered from bringing Jimmy almost 40 years ago.  (Sylvia informed Jim about Day 2 that if she heard him tell one more person, "Well, when we were here 40 years ago..." she was gonna smack him!  ha!)

After that, we split up and they waited in line to take Trace on Peter Pan (his favorite) while we took Keatyn to eat lunch at Cosmic Ray's and back for a nap. 
They stayed and had a great afternoon in Fantasyland before heading back to the hotel to hit the pool.  They were 2 tired grands and I'm sure were relieved to see the reinforcements show up!
Nana and Papaw had been in Orlando since we got there, but we didn't see them until Thursday night.
I told them I'm glad they had such a relaxing first few days... that was all about to change!
Jimmy and I took advantage of all the extra childcare and enjoyed a date night dinner at "Shutters" in our resort.
You feel like you're cheating the world when you sit down to a HUGE steak dinner and walk away only paying the tip... the meal plan is the BEST!! 
The face of exhaustion...
I was really worried about how Keatyn would sleep.  Being in a pack-n-play and out of her routine, I had prepared myself for some long nights.  But, everyone assured me that she would be so tired at the end of the day, she'd sleep anywhere.  And thankfully, she did!!

We are very spoiled vacationers.  We have never been in a single hotel room as a family for longer than one night.  The only place we've been for any extended amount of time is Destin, where we have 3 bedrooms, a full kitchen, and living room.  All being together in one room, it forced us to all go to bed early.  I actually slept more hours a night in Disney than I would have here.  And believe me, I needed it.  I know it was hard for Jimmy to turn off the T.V. at 9:00, who's usually a night owl.

Day 3 complete...