Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Holiday Wrap Up

 As usual, December came and went in a blur.  So many fun things and events.  But none made me laugh as hard as this image of my dad.  Nothing like some decorating mishaps to get you in the spirit!  I love him!

We are in the slime of our lives at our house.  Slime is EVEYWHERE!!!  She makes it from scratch.  She buys it in bulk.  All of my tupperware containers are filled with slime.  It's dripping off my cabinets, stuck to my floor and imbedded in my carpet.  It's the new glitter of the 21st century.  She's even learned to make slime bubbles.  Ugh... I keep trying to remind myself that one of these days I will miss this phase...
Keatyn played an angel in the 2nd grade chapel program.  Such a sweet, sweet day.  Loved hearing those kiddos sing and understand the TRUE meaning of Christmas!

Her and her buddy Victoria...
Sweet Emerson...

Thatcher, Emerson and Keatyn... the 3 amigos.

And then the next night, the Lower School had their Christmas program.  Keatyn played a pig in that one.  I still can't quite figure that out.  Lol!

My 2 kids are extremely blessed to have been taught by this lady...

The night of her show, we celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary.  Love doing life with him!
A few days later, it was recital time.  My girl had been on a stage 3 times in 4 days.

Attempting to get a picture for the Christmas card with 2 kids and 2 dogs was nearly impossible.  You can imagine my enthusiasm over this one!  Sidenote... taking red eye out of dogs eyes is also nearly impossible.  Boo!
A few days later, we went to Ruth Chris to celebrate #15...
and giggled when they misunderstood and brought out #18.  It's ok, you don't correct them when they give you a free dessert.

We went with mom, dad, Andy, Kadi and Roman to the Enchanted Garden of Lights.  It is always so beautiful and fun!  Chasing a 2 year old in the dark over a mountain top is always an adventure.

Love that little guy!

Such a fun night!
Keatyn wanted to wear her recital outfit to her school Christmas party.  Emerson obliged.  They looked a little "extra" but very festive!
That night, we met some friends at Craft Love and had a ball!

Meanwhile at home, Trace and Jimmy went to a movie and Trace came home with a fever.  The next day, he (along with 1/2 of the 6th grade) was diagnosed with Flu A.  UGH... 4 days before Christmas!!
We were supposed to go to our annual Christmas craft night with the Forever Five and their kids.  Keatyn had spent the night before with Olivia so Iris just took her with them to Ignis to make glass ornaments and I met them at Lupis after I got Trace home from the doctor.  

This is our 10th anniversary with this tradition.  Love them so much!
Year one, 2008.  Oh, those little chubby babies!

 Luckily, Tamiflu knocked Trace's flu out pretty quick, but on Sunday night (Monday was Christmas Eve) I started running a temperature and aching all over.  My sweet friend Leslie called Tamiflu in for me too.  The Cofer's got the flu for Christmas :(   We missed going to my mom's for Christmas Eve and going to Alabama to spend Christmas with the cousins.  We were so bummed.  It was not like the Christmas I had imagined but we were all together and "fairly" healthy so I was counting my blessings!  I watched them open Christmas presents with a mask on sitting on the other side of the room.  Ha!  I was just SO thankful Jimmy and Keatyn didn't get it.

Waiting for Santa at the top of the stairs...
My favorite!  When he saw his Playstation 4 and she saw her teal green hoverboard!

We watched lots of Christmas movies and enjoyed more down time than we had planned for the holidays but all in all it was a wonderful Christmas.  Minus the flu.