This was an image I thought I wouldn't see for at least 3 more years.
When we built this house (pre-children), I had images of helping my kids do their homework at this bar while I cooked dinner. We would have deep conversations about their feelings while I stroked their hair and helped them with Algebra (ha!). Then they would confide their darkest secrets to me and we would sing songs while we set the dinner table together.
Never in that dream did I physically lift them up into the chair, sit them on phonebooks, and talk 2-year-old Barney babble.
Trace brought home his first little "homework" assignment yesterday...After dinner, we ran throughout the house, (while I tried desperately to kick off the concept of homework in a positive light) enthusiastically counting the beds, bathtubs, clocks and TVs. He didn't understand that Ginger didn't count as a "people in your home" category. (Although, if you asked Ginger, I'm sure she would tell you differently... she feels she IS the people).
After we counted everything, Trace wanted to "cudor" the pictures. I think he's going to be a lefty!
This was my first time on this side of homework and it made me sad that we have already reached this milestone. He is growing up WAY too fast.Then, as if that wasn't enough for one night. As we were getting Trace out of the bathtub, he walks over to the potty (which he has shown zero interest in) and does this...
YEAH!(Notice, it didn't all quite make it IN the potty, but that will take time... (like 30-40 years.) ha!
This happened while Jimmy and I were debating about Daddy showing Trace how to use the little potty (which would have been quite a sight for a 6 foot grown man).
Much to Jimmy's relief, Trace voluntarily christened it himself before it had to go that far.
Afterwards, we danced, we cheered, we high-fived, we clapped, we flushed the tee-tee down the real potty... and then... mama cried like a baby. It was just too much "big boy" stuff for one night.
While I was cleaning up the tee-tee stained potty (and trying to stop crying), Jimmy and Trace ate a celebratory popsicle on the couch.
This is Trace's, "we better eat these fast before mommy realizes I'm eating a sticky popsicle, sitting naked, wet, and undiapered on the couch AFTER my bath" face!Can you tell which one is the fun parent, and which one is the kill joy (and the tee-tee cleaner upper?)
It has been a big night, full of firsts.
I'm going to go to bed now... and cry myself to sleep :)
Slow it down just a little bit baby boy... for your mama!!
Best of Sales!
14 hours ago
Awww...I cried for you, reading this. They do grow up way too fast and you have to take in every moment! You want to be so happy & proud for them, yet in the same breath, you want them to just stay little as long as possible! Miller just told me that I'm the best teacher he could ask for and although I know he's biased, it's those little statements out of the blue that just squeeze your heart. There's nothing like the love between a momma & her boy!! Yay for Trace!!
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