Saturday, October 10, 2009

Kreativ Blogger

Wow... thank you Andi for nominating me for the Kreativ Blogger award. I have known Andi since her and Josh began dating... in what, the 5th grade??? It feels like she has been apart of the Lewis clan forever. And I must preface this with saying, I have known and loved the Lewis' literally since the womb.

Andi's sister-in-law, Anne, and I were born a little less than a year apart to two very best friends... so it was fate! I LOVE hearing about Miss Addison Grace and all her adventures and am secretly arranging a wedding for her and Trace in about 25 years!!

I am supposed to write 7 things that you may not know about me... you have no idea how hard this is (you may remember this post, and how I had to think for days just to come up with those!) Anyway... I'll try.

1. I am TERRIBLE with computers. I am embarrassed to say I have been sitting here for 45 minutes just trying to figure out how to get the Kreativ Blogger logo onto my blog. My capabilities don't go much farther than "right click", "copy", and "paste". Andi, I really need a lesson :)

2. I mentioned above that I have known the Lewis family my entire life and must admit to something... Josh, you know what's coming. When I was five years old, I was CONVINCED I was preggers with Josh's baby because Anne (his sister) made me look at his "boyhood"!!! She will deny this, but it's true, I would have never looked on my own!

I hysterically confessed (I was an overly dramatic child) to my mom one morning before the bus came to take me to school that I thought I was pregnant. After she picked my infant brother up off the floor and stopped laughing, we had the birds and the bees talk! So after a exhausting morning of pregnancy scares and sex talk, it was off to Kindergarten to learn my ABC's. ha!

3. I was an ADPi in college and loved it. Although I am not as involved now as I want to be, it truly was a wonderful part of my life. Some of my very dearest friends are ones I met through the sorority and I am so thankful for them.

4. I LOVE my in-laws. I got a wonderful package deal when I married Jimmy. Rarely a day goes by that I don't (happily) talk to my mother-in-law at least once. I consider her one of my best friends! I am so blessed to have them in my life and don't know what I would do without them.

5. I live in fear of confrontation. It goes beyond just being uncomfortable... it really is something I work to overcome everyday. You can typically find me hiding in the bathroom or car during any kind of altercation (or even the mere threat of one). I'm the poster child for "put your big girl panties on!" Though I have a feeling (I pray), that will change when it comes to Trace... don't mess with Mamma Bear!

6. Jimmy and I are going to the CMA Awards in November!!!! Those who know me well, or have ever riden in my car know I'm a huge country music fan... always have been. Most teens went through the country phase at one point during their adolescence somewhere between the Tiffany and N.K.O.T.B. era, but mine stuck. I have ALWAYS wanted to go to an awards show and ask every year, "How do 'regular' people get tickets for that?" Now I know! My friend Trinity and her hubby Eddie asked if we wanted to go with them and another couple. I can't wait!! More on that in November.

7. I live in fear everyday that I'm doing this whole "mommy" thing all wrong. I ask God every night to give me his wisdom, guidance, and grace to raise a Christ loving child in this crazy world. I worry that what I do won't be good enough to counteract all of the evil and sadness we must live amongst. You only get one chance to raise a child. I have been given the most precious gift there is, and I want SO badly to do this right!

Next you are supposed to nominate other bloggers for the Kreativ Blogger Award. My nominees are...

Trinity, her blog is about her beautiful girls Brooklynn and Bentley. Reading her blog makes me long to dress Trace in pink and curl his hair! ha!

Cresta, Trinity's cousin, whose blog My Three Sons will soon have to be changed, since she just gave birth to son #4!!! As if she has time to actually do this anymore... you go girl!

Leslie, whose Turner Times blog about their adorable son Jack never fails to make me cackle out loud.

OK girls, here's what you do...

1. Thank the person who nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award.
2. Copy and paste the Kreativ Blogger Award onto your blog. (Don't call me for help with that!)
3. Link the person that nominated you for the award.
4. Tell 7 things about yourself that others may not know.
5. Nominate other blogs (up to 7) for the Kreativ Blogger Award.
6. Post links to the blogs you nominated.
7. Leave a comment letting them know they have been nominated.

Thanks again Andi, this has been fun! I am so glad that the whole baby mama thing didn't work out with Josh and I 30 years ago, and he found you! ha! ha! You are a wonderful wife, mother, and friend and I love ya!


Amanda O'Rear said...

This absolutely cracked me up! I had no idea Anne was such a bad child..LOL!

SDT said...

Thanks for the funny blog and the nomination Heidi! Your writing makes us laugh out loud too!