My baby girl is 6 months old today... sniff sniff
I still don't know how that happened so fast.
To commemorate her 6th month, I thought I'd do "A Day in the Life" to help me remember 15 years from now when she's a moody teenager, with a hormone filled body and a sassy mouth, just how precious she was today.
Your day usually begins anywhere between 7 and 8:30. Since I never know what time you're getting up, a "schedule" is hard to come by. Hopefully once Trace's school starts back we will be on more of a regular routine. But you are sleeping from roughly 8-8 with a feeding around 5 a.m. That's not to say you don't wake up to say hello from time to time in the middle of the night, but hopefully that won't last forever. :) You wake up with the sweetest smile and enjoy your quiet time in your bed (allowing mommy an extra 15 minutes of shut eye) while listening to you talk and coo.
You're eating rice cereal/oatmeal and a fruit for breakfast. Today was peaches and you loved them. Then you nurse again and go down for a morning nap about 2 hours after you wake up. You've got this nap down pretty good... the afternoon nap, not so much. In fact, you should be napping right now, but instead are sitting here in the beanbag staring at me while I type this.
I try to put you down for your afternoon nap about 3 hours after you wake up from your morning nap but you sometimes fight it. If you happen to fall asleep in the car before we get home, you can forget it. It's a work in progress.
For dinner, you're eating cereal and a vegetable. Then you nurse about 7:30 and go to bed about 8. We are still working on the "sleep training" Dr. Coffman talks about. Putting you down awake but drowsy and letting you learn to fall asleep on your own.
You are such a smiley, happy baby. You LOVE attention (oh boy) and your big brother is by far your favorite person in the world and your greatest entertainment. When you're in the car, you sit cocky-eyed to the side of your car seat so you can see Trace at all times and you laugh that deep, hearty laugh at him when he dances and sings.
You have the biggest, most beautiful blue eyes (your Sisty and Nana like to take credit for those) and reddish hair. Although the new hair growing in is blonde, so who knows. Papaw and Uncle Andy's passwords at work are both REDHEAD2411 and they expire in a few weeks... so they are anxiously awaiting results of your next hair color! Papaw still calls you Lucy.
You are off the charts in height for your age and I've already bought and washed 9 month sleepers because you are busting through the bottoms of your 6 months. I think you're gonna be long and lanky like your brother. You wear a size 2 diaper and 3-6 or 6-9 month clothes. At your 6 month appointment for shots you weighed 15 lbs. 13 oz. (50%) and had dropped to the 75% in length at 26 inches. You weren't too happy about getting your shots, but Trace stood right there with us and tried to comfort you while you cried.
You have started sleeping with your "lovey" and love to lay it over your face and paci then roll over on your side to sleep. You are still sleeping in a sleep sack at night but you're no longer swaddled.
You have started sitting up for a few seconds on your own, but usually get so excited that you knock yourself over bouncing and flipping your arms. Just this week, you were able to reach down into your car seat while we were riding and find your paci and put it in yourself!
You still love your toes and never miss an opportunity to take a nibble. I don't know what you'll do when it gets cold and you have to start wearing shoes and socks.
You will pretty much go to anybody but have pulled the big pucker on a few men. (good girl!) You have your daddy completely wrapped around your little finger. He asks me all the time if he kisses you too much.
I am already envisioning all the special things we will do together as mother and daughter. You have completed our little family in the most perfect way and are a blessing to us everyday. If it's possible, I love you even more today than the day you were born!
Best of Sales!
12 hours ago
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