When I was preggo with Trace, Jimmy and I had several talks about our favorite childhood books. He remembered this book about a family named the "Stupids" that he thought was hilarious as a kid.
(Imagine Amelia Bedelia family-style.)
So for Christmas that year, I reached way back in the 70's archives (since he was much older than me, I'd never heard of these books ;) and ordered fairly good conditioned copies of the series, for him to one day read to our little bun in the oven. It was a fun surprise to watch this soon-to-be-dad open them on Christmas morning, knowing that in a few years, he would be doing this...I'll admit I was a little disturbed by the whole "stupid" reference. Apparently in the 70's it was perfectly politically correct to refer to someone as stupid. However, in 2012, we have evolved and realize children don't need to grow up with such phrasing and have now opted for terms like "academically challenged" and "special." ha!
So, when he spent the night at Granddaddy and Sisty's the other night, they pulled out their old copy of "The Stupids Step Out" and like the wonderful grandparents they are, changed the name to "The Sillies." So the next night, I got down the series I've had in his bookshelf since Christmas 2006 and they piled up in his bed for a few new bed time stories.Yes, those are holes in his walls. No, they're not from a horrid preschool tantrum or fist fight. That just happens to be where his rocking chair used to sit and I got a little carried away with the rocking and singing one night and knocked his lamp post through the wall with the chair.
We're planning on redoing his "baby" room for his birthday, so that will be patched, covered and painted. Long overdo!
Where, oh where have these 5 years gone???
Best of Sales!
12 hours ago
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