Thursday, May 31, 2012

A "Hairy" situation

One of my most vivid childhood memories is not so much a visual memory, but more a "smellmory".  Every few months, my mom and her girlfriends would gather to give each other perms.  There was never any question as to what was taking place inside the house if one were to walk up on the front porch or through the back door of the garage.  The sound of giggles and stench of perm solution was very evident from outside.  As I got older, my mom's friends would bring their daughters over and we were inducted into the 2nd generation Permanent Tournament. 

It was the 80's, and that was the look.  (Can we all give an AMEN that the 80's are over?)

So when my friend Becky from church approached me at Mom's Group about trying to highlight each other's hair, my mind immediately went back to my past.  We both agreed that we were TIRED of paying so much to get our hair done and hated having to find sitters to spent an entire morning at the salon.  So...  a trip to Sally's and $7.99 later, here we are in my kitchen.  Let the games begin!
I've always gotten foils, but we are complete amateurs and were advised to start easy and just buy a kit pull through the cap.  My mom, who has had a lot of practice at DIY hair came over to help chase our children and give advice.  I'm so thankful she was there.  I would have TOTALLY taken that cap off too early and had a mop of orang-y spaghetti hair.

I'll admit, I got very nervous while my head was in the sink and mom and Becky were rinsing the bleach out.  Becky very calmly began discussing who was going to drive back to Sally's to get more of the product because from the looks of things... IT WASN'T GOING WELL.  I was a little alarmed, but I've's always scarier when it's wet.
But when all was said and done, our roots were covered, we were a little blonder than before and while FAR from perfect, were pretty happy with our first attempt.
  I do miss the contrast of the highlights and lowlights the foils gave me, but for a quick and cheap fix, this will do.  I may have to alternate the high priced salons with my budget and time friendly cap and bleach kit.

I'm sure Candace, my hairstylist, will be thrilled to have to fix my "home done hair job" the next time I'm there, but I'm sure I'm not the first!  :)


Jane said...

Those permanent tournaments were the BEST!!! nothing like driving to Eckerd's wearing a frosting cap...awesome memories...btw, your hair looks great!!