Thursday, June 20, 2013

Father's Day and Frankie

A great dad, grandfather, and great grandfather was sorely missed this Father's Day.  This was our first one without Jimmy's granddad, Frank (aka Frankie...Ferd...Great Frank)

 He was an absolute jewel!  Jimmy has said many times, he doesn't ever remembering playing a ballgame where "Ferd" wasn't there to watch. A few months after Jimmy and I started dating, he stopped by my parents office to talk to my dad.  He wanted to know "what my intentions were with his only grandson."  ha!!  He was always so sweet and loving and adored his family!

His last few years were hard, because he had lost Ann and was unable to live alone.  Although he thrived  in many ways in the Assisted Livings, his memory was cloudy and his physical health deteriorated.  What I loved most about Great Frank were his stories.  We could name them by heart and tell them verbatum, just as Frank had told us so many times.  His favorites were, Scrappy Moore, how Trace got his name, his old war days, and about his momma having 6 kids... all boys. 

In the last years of his life, he couldn't tell you by dinnertime what he'd eaten for lunch that day, but could still name every ballplayer that had ever played for him 60+ years ago.  It's funny how that works.  This was the last picture I took of him, on his birthday last year.
Love and miss you Frank!!

Father's Day 2013 started out at the IHOP.  (Yes, we skipped church...shame,shame)  The boys always had the tradition of Father's Day breakfast.  Frank would have wanted it continued, so they did, but this year they added the girls.  We may never be asked back. ;)

We have completely hit the stage in toddlerhood where eating out is a painful chore.  Mere moments after this picture was taken, my sweet monster was ripped from her highchair (that she was attempting to crawl out of) and whisked away to the bathroom, were I proceeded to threaten her with no breakfast and timeout (yes, in the corner of the nasty IHOP bathroom.)  Jimmy then spent the remainder of the meal sitting in the car with her while the rest of us finished eating in peace.  HAPPY FATHER'S DAY DEAR!!!  This scenario has become affectionately known in my family as "The Cheesecake Factory nightmare."
That afternoon, everyone came to mom and dads for "Sunday Dinner."  We celebrated all the great daddy's and a few birthdays.

Incredibly blessed to have these amazing men in our lives! 

And of course, my Nanny.  Love her!

I could eat him with a spoon!
Happy Father's Day to my wonderful hubby, dad, and father in law!  We'd be lost without you!!