Thursday, June 9, 2016

The most "memorable" Memorial Day weekend ever

To say it was an eventful Memorial Day weekend is an understatement.  It started with a jam packed trip to Atlanta for a kick off to summer/birthday family trip.  It ended with this little guys grand entrance...

Well hello there Roman Andrew Brown. 

So I have to start from the back and work forward, because the birth of a baby trumps even the best of Atlanta trips.  So, more on that later.

Let me back up even further.  Kadi went to her regular doctors appointment on Wednesday morning and her blood pressure was up.  So Dr. Brody gave her orders to check it 3 times a day and call him if it got above a certain number.  So we felt like Baby Brown could make his appearance at any moment, but we went on with our scheduled trip.  My phone was never far from my hand (even when riding the Goliath roller coaster with my crazy 9 year old, it was right there in my terrified death grip.)  We were leaving the Braves game headed for Chattanooga on Saturday night and Kadi called Jimmy's cell.  He jokingly answered the phone, "Are you in labor?" and I could tell from the look on his face her answer wasn't "no".  After they talked business (seriously, they negotiated a house contract while I was having a heart attack) he hands me the phone and she tells me they are on their way to the hospital after several high BP readings.   (We won't even talk about the incorrect text somewhere near Resaca, GA when we were stuck in stand still traffic, that reported Kadi's BP was 180/133.  That was about the time Jimmy attempted to turn around and drive the opposite way down the median back to the nearest exit.)  We rush home, I jump in the shower and Andy calls me (literally while I'm standing in the shower, try not to picture that) and tells me they've already sent 3 women home that night with high BP, to not come yet and go to bed.  The next text I got from my mom around midnight said they were breaking her water.  What?!?  So much for going home Andy.   I tried to lay down and sleep.  I laid down 3 different times.  Only to get up and put my clothes on again and again.  And then I got hungry, and I remembered Taco Bell is only open till 3 a.m. so I got up, rounded "the bell" and headed to Erlanger.  I couldn't wait another minute.  I walked into the waiting room and found my parents, Andy, and Carol (Kadi's mom) who had all been there since 8:30.   Andy pretty much said it was going to be a long night and feel free to go get a hotel room and sleep.  This was about 2:30 a.m.  Instead we got coffee and began the wait...

3:36 a.m.

If you've ever pulled an all nighter on the 5th floor labor and delivery family waiting room you discover quickly it's cold enough to hang meat and there is no light switch.  But, we made due and tried to sleep on and off.  We were getting updates from Andy but things seemed to be moving slowly.  Still, we wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else. 

                                                                            4:24 a.m.
Papaw's ready for delivery.
And that's a mini toothbrush in his mouth.  He apparently fell asleep while brushing.
Around sun up, we were thrilled to get these pictures from "the other side" showing Kadi finally comfortable and things moving along!
Dad's have it so easy. ;)
Around noon Sunday morning, the gift shop opened and Dad got Andy's "Coach" shirt.  We were ready to see those tiny footprints on it!

Jimmy called for an update and told me Trace REALLY wanted to come.  I explained how long a process this could be but he insisted he was up for it.  I waited until they got really close and then they headed that way.
Kadi's dad, sister, BIL, nephew and friends were all in Destin for the weekend, so they headed out really early Sunday morning and made it in plenty of time for Roman's arrival. 
He had pretty much taken over the waiting room at this point.  Luckily, we had it to ourselves.  A bonus to having a baby on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend.
Nana was growing impatient and went to get an update from the nurse.

We got the text that said she was 10 and pushing around 3:30 p.m.  and waited for what felt like forever before we finally saw this guy.  We had propped the waiting room door open so we could see him coming but I actually heard him first.  A loud hand clap and a "WE GOT OUR BOY!" was what we heard coming around the corner.  Needless to say, the room erupted...

Giving us all the details.  He said they literally looked at the top of his head for about 2 hours.  Little man just didn't want to come out.  They eventually had to use forceps but he was here and healthy!  We still didn't know any stats yet because now they do the skin to skin hour before they weigh and measure. 

Look at my dads sweet face in the background.  There was some ugly crying going on.  Love him!

Not knowing the gender or the name was so fun and we were all thrilled they "got" what they had wanted.  Although, can you imagine my brother with a little girl?   She's have him wrapped in no time. ;)
The first family photo
Very relieved and exhausted grands...
We waited about another 2 hours to finally catch a glimpse of this precious fella.  He weighed 5 lbs 12 ounces and was 19 inches long.  I think he was born at 6:31p.m. but not sure.  If you're counting that's 18 long hours of labor for sweet Kadi.  Bless her heart. 
We left the hospital feeling very blessed and relieved that although he was early, he was perfectly healthy, and so was his mom!

The next day was Memorial Day and we went back to the hospital to meet him.

I LOVE this picture!  Pure love right here.

Proud papa!
I'm an Aunt!!

I have to find the one of Papaw with Trace and Keatyn and frame them all side by side.

Love that little hand sticking out...
I know he was cold and didn't appreciate it, but I just had to see that little body.  Love those sweet tiny toes!

That afternoon, we took Roman's blanket to their house to "introduce" him to the dogs.  They say you're supposed to let them get used to the baby's scent and they connect better when you come home.   Zorra was very intrigued, Otis couldn't care less.  Ha!

Welcome to the world Roman!  You are SO VERY loved.