OK, if you are growing tired of my weekly updates, feel free to stop reading now.
Went back to the doc again this morning for my one day short of 38th week visit and Miss Girby had dropped (a little) from -4 to -3. Apparently I was saying the opposite last week, because I thought it was +4... which would mean her head was actually hanging out and she was waving at us! ha! So I had it backwards, but at least she is moving in the right direction this week!
I was 5 centimeters dialated and 70% effaced. Again, she reminded me of her patient that walked around 7 centimeters and made it all the way to her due date (and still resisted being induced).
They have to do either an ultrasound or the NST test (like last week) every week... another perk of being a "mature mom". So today, they checked my fluids with an ultrasound and it was back up to 8.8 and the tech said she weighed 7 lbs 5 oz. They said her legs were measuring 40 weeks already which I would argue feels more like 4 years old givin the kicking that is going on in my abdomen!! She is running out of room for sure and must be practicing yoga stretches as often as possible.
So...we will see what the next few days brings. Trace was born one day shy of my 38th week which would have been 2 days ago, so she's already outlasted her big brother.
Her room is almost ready. In fact, in about 10 minutes one of Trace's teachers from preschool is coming to hang the bible verse she did out of vinyl over her crib. I can't wait to see how it turned out! I will post pictures of the nursery soon. There are still some things I want to do in there but they can't really be done until after she arrives and I have her "coming home" dress and pictures of her... and of course, her name :)
Will keep you posted!
Thank you so much for your continued prayers :)
Friday, January 28, 2011
Details from the Doc... I've lost count!
Posted by Heidi 0 comments
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Trace's 4th Birthday Bash
I keep thinking I'm sooo behind... I STILL don't have Trace's birthday party pictures up. Then I remember, it's still 2 weeks before he actually turns 4, which means for once, I'm AHEAD of schedule! We celebrated his birthday on January 15th since Girby's impending arrival is unknown and I wanted be sure I was in attendance. ha!
I decided early on, that I was very willing to pay for the no hassle, no fuss birthday party. Given that I am 9 months pregnant, I felt like if there was ever a time to splurge and let someone else, host, cook, set up, and clean... the time was now.
Let me just say, it was worth every penny we paid to Pump-it-up. They met us at the car, unloaded everything in the ice and snow, wheeled it inside, set up the entire room, served the cake, juice and chips, handed the gifts to Trace, wrote down everything he got, folded and packed all the bags and presents, cleaned up the room, wheeled the gifts and leftover cake back out to the car and loaded it all up, then brought me the check to sign without me having to lift a finger!
I was impressed, to say the least.
The kids had a blast and the adults got to visit and play as well. (Laura and Sara even collapsed the bouncy house they were having so much fun!)
Trace's buddies Daniel and Cindy from school...Papaw trying to wrangle a birthday hug... good luck!
Great Frank came to watch the kids play!
Jimmy's cousins came from Alabama, SO sweet!
Uncle Andy took a turn bouncing too...
Giving me a present report. "Mommy, I got Victor, and Bash, and Spencer and Buzz and..."
He started out wanting another train cake. But the one he wanted was Diesel and it's solid black... gross! So I tried to persuade maybe a Buzz Lightyear instead, which he totally went for until we got into Publix and spent 20 minutes looking through the cake book. When he saw the "destruction" cake as he called it, it was all over. The dump truck, cement mixer, and front loader were about more than he could stand! I was just glad he actually left them on there long enough to get a picture and blow out the candles.
After the party, we went with Jimmy's family to CiCi's pizza to visit and eat dinner. We so rarely get to see them and didn't get to spend Christmas with them this year because of the snow so it was really good to catch up. I LOVE these kiddos!
It was a wonderful day and a great celebration... even if it was 3 weeks early. I guess if I'm not in labor or in the hospital on his actual birthday, we'll have to celebrate again!
Happy Birthday buddy... I love you SO much!
Posted by Heidi 0 comments
Thursday, January 20, 2011
"You're going the wrong way!!!"
That's what my friend Lucia said when I told her that Girby had actually gone from +3 to +4 yesterday. I didn't even know there was such thing as a +4... but apparently there is, and it's nearing my chest cavity. Maybe she's decided to come out the top instead.
I had my weekly check-up (one day shy of 37 weeks) with Dr. Adams yesterday and when she went to check me, Girby was so high that she couldn't. (Boy, that doesn't leave much to the imagination, does it?)
She guessed after several painful and intense seconds (while I thought her fingers were going to come out my tonsils), that I was about 4 centimeters dialated. So... she said, other than being a week closer to my due date, I was actually "closer" to delivery last week. Weird, I know! But then, she followed that statement with, "or your water could break tonight." There is just no way of knowing what these little bundles of joy are going to do!
They also put me on a NST monitor to track her movement and heart rate and to see if I was having any contractions. She was apparently sleeping and they needed to jolt her a bit to get good readings so after about 20 minutes they had me drink a Coke. That got her hopping pretty fast and they were able to see what they needed.
As usual, I went into my spill about only wanting her (Dr. Adams) to deliver me and jokingly asked what day of the week she is off, exclaiming I was going to stay in bed that entire day. As it turns out, since her office has changed locations since Trace was born 4 years ago, she works predominately out of the Erlanger East location on Gunbarrel instead of downtown Erlanger. She is only on call downtown on Wednesdays. So essentially, if I want her, I have to go to her... at Women's East.
This was not my plan, but she sees no reason why I shouldn't deliver there and so we are considering it. I have mixed emotions. I've always felt like if something went wrong, being at "the big house" would be where I would want to be. I've heard horror stories of mothers being separated from their newborns moments after birth because the baby had to go downtown for care that Women's East couldn't provide. But, she assured me that she has never had that happen and that she would and still will tell me if at any point she feels like being downtown would be the best choice. So... we will see. Depending on the day I go into labor and how fast and far along I seem to be progressing may determine where we end up.
Again, another unknown. I'm a planner... the unknown is NOT in my comfort zone, but I'm learning to trust in the Lord and relinquish that control. We have no idea when she will come, where she will come, or her name. But I know that all of those things will be worked out in God's timing and plan only... and I find great peace in that!
Posted by Heidi 0 comments
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Showered with Love
That's about all I can say about last weekend.
I feel so incredibly blessed by the family and friends in my life, those that have always been there to support and love me and who continue to be such a source of strength to me and my growing family.
When I found out I was pregnant again, people immediately began offering to give me showers. I felt so guilty because people were SO generous at showers for Trace and I felt like I was double dipping. Everyone insisted that if the second baby is a different gender, than another shower is most certainly in order... so the plans began.
My mom's best friends (the Golden Girls) gave me a shower at my wonderful mother-in-law's house on Saturday. These ladies are like second moms to me. Seriously, Jane, in the green, stopped by on her way to church to give me my first suppository when I was just weeks old. Bonnie, in the purple, worked with my mom at the March of Dimes when she was pregnant with me, and everyday, she put on and tied my mom's shoes and put in her wiglet (that was a 70's thing) when she was too big to do it herself. And my Aunt Gail is my dad's sister, and I'm pretty sure gave me my first haircut (and many to come after that) and fed me more times than she can count.
I'm not exaggerating when I say they have literally been there since the beginning... and I love them dearly!Does a Granny Smith Apple come to mind when you look at me in this picture? ha! I was really asking a lot of that (non-maternity) sweater... it is stretched beyond recognition.
I couldn't get over that cake! It was BEAUTIFUL!!Opening gifts with the help of my adorable assistant Addison...
I have NO idea why I was making that face...
The valets... we tipped them well!
I hate that I never got a picture with my mom, Nanny, and Sylvia. I know from experience that when something is going on at your house, you never stop, sit down or really get to visit. I can't thank Sylvia enough for opening her home up for my shower!
The next day, my girlfriends from college gave me another shower at Leslie's house. These girls mean the world to me!
Iris, Leslie, me, Jill, and Misty...I LOVE this bag Leslie got me. If you look closely, it's got the name Keatyn on it... which may or may not be her actual name. Sigh...
Girby's closet is now FULLY loaded (seriously, I can't believe how many clothes a child that isn't even here yet has) and she is well stocked with all kinds of baby supplies, bibs, blankets, and equipment. She is truly blessed to have such amazing people in her life that love her already! Thank you all so much :)
Posted by Heidi 0 comments
Friday, January 14, 2011
Details from the Doc III
Just wanted to update you on the happenings around here! Went to the doctor today for my 36 week appointment and things look good with our little princess. They did another ultrasound to measure my amniotic fluid level (it was in the lower range last week) and it had come up some from 6.9 to 8. If it ever got below 5, they would take her for fear of the cord getting wrapped. So... that was good news!
Dr. Adams checked me last week and said nothing was happening and I wouldn't need to be checked today, but for some reason when I woke up this morning I just felt like she should. Call it "Mother's Intuition" but I just felt like things were happening... ya know? This was also the week that I was first checked with Trace and was already dialated to 3 centimeters. After she checked me (OUCH!) and sat me up, she said "Well, guess." I knew that wasn't good. I am dialated 3 1/2 centimeters and 70% effaced. But she has not started dropping yet so hopefully she will stay put for another couple of weeks, but it looks like I'm gonna have a January baby instead of a February one. We will see! I go back next Wednesday.
In other news... my darling husband informed me the other night that he was no longer sure of the name Keatyn. This is while I was sitting on the bed folding and hanging all of her clothes, blankets, and lovies (some of which were monogrammed and/or initialed). I informed him (kindly) that it was in fact him that had made the final decision to name her that and that we had several things with her name already on it. BUT... I know that is no basis for naming your child something you will call her for the rest of your life. So, it's back to Girby for now! We will probably not make anything "official" until after we see her and know for sure. I truly apologize to anyone who has gone to the trouble and expense of monogramming something... you know who you are, and I love you for it!
Please keep us in your prayers. That she stays safe and healthy and continues to grow a little longer before she makes her appearance. And please pray that Jimmy and I can come to an agreement (and stick with it) on a name!
Hope everyone is well and have been enjoying these past few snow days! Don't know about you all... but I'm ready for Spring!!
Posted by Heidi 1 comments
Monday, January 10, 2011
You might be a redneck...
if your version of "sledding" is riding in a flat bottom boat pulled by a 4-wheeler around your front yard, cause you ain't got no hill!Days like these... it's nice to have an outdoorsy daddy with lots of toys.
My favorite...
Ginger's legs were covered with snow balls. I always thought she was such a "white" dog, until we put her out in the pure white snow and realized how badly she needs a bath.
Day 2
They improvised and made a hill... and then of course, went for a ride on the 4 wheeler in the front yard.These have been 2 really fun snow days... we've done the playing in the snow thing, the snow cream, the homemade chili, the afternoon naps, the fires, the sugar cookies, the hot chocolate, and the movies. I have washed and put away all of the baby clothes, blankets and sheets from my showers and am now ready to see something besides these 4 walls.
I'm suffering from a bit of cabin fever, but it looks like this one may stick around for a while!
Posted by Heidi 0 comments