OK, if you are growing tired of my weekly updates, feel free to stop reading now.
Went back to the doc again this morning for my one day short of 38th week visit and Miss Girby had dropped (a little) from -4 to -3. Apparently I was saying the opposite last week, because I thought it was +4... which would mean her head was actually hanging out and she was waving at us! ha! So I had it backwards, but at least she is moving in the right direction this week!
I was 5 centimeters dialated and 70% effaced. Again, she reminded me of her patient that walked around 7 centimeters and made it all the way to her due date (and still resisted being induced).
They have to do either an ultrasound or the NST test (like last week) every week... another perk of being a "mature mom". So today, they checked my fluids with an ultrasound and it was back up to 8.8 and the tech said she weighed 7 lbs 5 oz. They said her legs were measuring 40 weeks already which I would argue feels more like 4 years old givin the kicking that is going on in my abdomen!! She is running out of room for sure and must be practicing yoga stretches as often as possible.
So...we will see what the next few days brings. Trace was born one day shy of my 38th week which would have been 2 days ago, so she's already outlasted her big brother.
Her room is almost ready. In fact, in about 10 minutes one of Trace's teachers from preschool is coming to hang the bible verse she did out of vinyl over her crib. I can't wait to see how it turned out! I will post pictures of the nursery soon. There are still some things I want to do in there but they can't really be done until after she arrives and I have her "coming home" dress and pictures of her... and of course, her name :)
Will keep you posted!
Thank you so much for your continued prayers :)
Best of Sales!
12 hours ago
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