Friday, February 17, 2012

Can a mama brag just a minute?

The other day I accidentally left my cell phone in the car while Trace was at school. When I went to pick him up, I noticed a text message from his teacher, Ms. Jennifer, and my heart sank. I immediately thought he was sick or hurt and they were trying to reach me and couldn't. So imagine my surprise when I read this instead...

"Trace is such a great encourager. He's always telling others
that their work looks good and that he likes their hair or shirt.
He's also good at cheering them up."

I love my boy's heart.

These are the things I want to read about and remember in 20 years. Yes, the stories of him pulling the fire alarm at church or break dancing during his basketball game will be precious memories, but this is why I blog.

He has such a kind spirit and a loving way about him that (even though I'm his mother, and a tad biased) makes me adore him.

Now, don't get me wrong... it ain't all roses ;) Need I mention that he knocked his baby sister off the hearth tonight during their "pillow fight." Have you ever seen a 1-year-old pillow fight? Seriously?? Or the fact that we nearly had World War 3 during dinner trying to get him to eat the miniscule amount of tilapia I put on his plate. I finally gave him the "teacher stare" and told him things were gonna get ugly if he didn't chew and swallow those last 3 bites of fish. Sigh...

(By the way, this teacher stare is why I'll need botox injections between my eyebrows for the rest of my life. Apparently, I spent most of my 9 years at Woodmore sporting this look.)

My prayer has always been for his heart. That it would stay kind and not harden in this insane world, that he would always love and love deeply, that he would be a man of character and strong values that found the good in everyone and help to raise people up. I've got millions and millions more prayers ahead of me on my children's behalf. A mother never stops!

Ms. Jennifer will someday know, when she has children of her own, just how thoughtful and precious a simple text like that was to me. It was so random and unnecessary of her to take the time to tell me that.

Now granted, next week, her text may say something totally different, but I'll take the good with the bad and just continue to be proud and grateful I'm his mama.


Anonymous said...

It's no surprise to me that your son has such a warm and tender heart...........just look at his Mom and his Nana. NO WAY could he grow up any other way.