Well, I know many of you have lost sleep wondering whether Trace escaped his pajamas and diaper once again hee-hee... well, wait no more!
I thought to myself, "Heidi, do you think people really care about the antics of your toddler when our economy is in the pits and things such as global warming and world hunger loom over us?" But since I have mostly forsaken the traditional "baby book" (I was so good in the beginning, I don't know what happened) and will one day show this blog to Trace to let him know that I really did write these things down and remember his babyhood, I wanted to have this memory.
Hopefully he will get a big laugh out of it and not have to seek therapy that his loving mother broadcast such things on the internet. At least there are no pictures of him naked in his bed or pee-peeing through the railing of his crib sitting next to a huge, nasty morning diaper. After all, these are the things memories are made of!
Morning #3- The night before I put his regular pjs on him with the snap at the top that covers the zipper. To my delight, the next morning he was still in them! However, while I was feeding him breakfast (I always change his diaper first thing but he climbed up in his seat and repeatedly said "eat, eat, eat") I noticed the zipper was down to his bellybutton but the snap was still closed so he apparently tried to get them off but couldn't figure out the snap... little stinker.
Morning #4- Last night, I put the 2 piece pjs on that snap at the waist. HA! Jimmy went to get him and proudly reported over the monitor that he was completely dressed and amazingly still snapped. So... apparently I have fooled my little MacGyver, at least for a little while.
Still looking for more of those middle snap 2 piece pjs with the feet in them if anyone knows where to find them. Several people has said they have trouble leaving a comment for some reason, so if it won't let you and you know where these pjs are, please email me! Thanks! hbcofer@hotmail.com
Best of Sales!
12 hours ago
Hey Heidi!
The ultimate fix...duct tape. I am not kidding, put it to good use around his diaper. Kind of like a belt but don't go too crazy or you will never get it off. Trust me it will work everytime and sooner or later he will out smart you with the pj's...beat him to the punch! Good luck!
i can promise inquiring minds DO want to know...and DO check every morning to see what Trace is up too!
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