So cute! Yesterday, as we were getting ready to leave the house, I told Trace, "Go get your shoes on."
I used that phrase very loosely... it actually just consists of Trace going to the "shoe basket" by the back door, finding 2 matching shoes and returning with them in hand for me to put them on, but you see the goal we are working towards here.
Anyway, as I was waiting patiently for him to return, I hear him mumbling and fumbling in the hall closet. He emerges from the closet wearing... his rain boots. I was expecting him to bring me his crocs (best $6 I ever spent at Wal-Mart). It was so adorable, I had to take a picture.
They go nicely with his outfit, don't ya think?He was so proud of himself! I didn't have the heart to tell him they were on the wrong feet, 50/50 chance...poor little guy (or that it was going to reach 90 degrees that day with no drop of rain in sight!) ha!
Well, I have to get back to CNN, Fox News, E!, and 20/20. It has truly been a sad day, especially for those of us growing up in the 80's, losing Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson.
I am one of those types that hibernates in front of the TV when something like this happens and flip between all of the channels. It drives Jimmy CRAZY but I become a little obsessed with hearing all the facts and interviews... over and over again.
Jimmy will walk in and say, "didn't you just hear ...?" "Yes, honey, but now I have to hear Larry King and Ryan Seacrest say it to make it official."
I watched the special on Farrah a couple of weeks ago and cried through the whole thing. It truly is a tragedy, and my prayers go out to both of their families.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Waitin' on a flood?
Posted by Heidi 0 comments
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Saturday was a busy day! We started with a birthday party for Miss Addison at the zoo. She was turning 2 and was adorable, as always!!! The zoo is a great place for a birthday party... if only Trace's birthday wasn't in February :(
Getting a lift from Papaw...Practicing patience waiting on the cake...
Addi blowing out her candles... love the princess party hat. Happy Birthday Addison!That night, we went to a couples shower for Andy and Kadi. I can't believe the wedding is just a month and a half away!
My mom and Andy...
This is a picture of our soon-to-be "new" family! Jimmy was taking this one, so he is behind the scenes. I can't wait for you guys!
Posted by Heidi 0 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day
Happy Father's Day to my wonderful hubby! I took this picture on the boat the other day and framed it for Jimmy for Father's Day.
For years I would pray to God for a husband that loved the Lord, his family, and that would be an amazing father... he truly answered my prayers!
I want to tell him, my dad, and my father-in-law how much you mean to me. The job you do as a father and an example to your children is one of the most important in the world. I have been so very blessed to have you all in my life... I love you more than words can say!
Father's Day has another special meaning to me now. Three years ago on Father's Day weekend, I suspected I was pregnant. It was the last weekend of Riverbend and we had a lot of plans, so I decided to try to put it out of my mind until Monday (yeah, right). I was so afraid I would be disappointed and it would ruin the weekend, so I promised myself I wouldn't take a test until Monday.
But then, Sunday afternoon, I started thinking this could really be real and how wonderful it would be to get to tell my husband that he was going to be a daddy on Father's Day. So... I made us some lame excuse to leave the house and go to Eckerds. He was glued to the TV watching the final round of the U.S. Open (much like he is right now) and didn't suspect a thing.
I came home, hid upstairs in the bathroom and took it. I laughed and cried at the same time when it IMMEDIATELY showed the word "pregnant". I had to hold on to the vanity for a minute to keep from falling over.
I got a bag and wrapped the test in it (yes, I dried it off first, yuck!) and gave it to Jimmy who was clueless I even suspected I was pregnant. We hugged, laughed, cried and honestly didn't know what to do next.
I thought to myself, I can't let this day go by without telling our dads. Not only did I get to tell Jimmy on Father's Day but we told both of our parents that they would be first time grandparents that night, something they had waited a long time to hear!!
That is something I will NEVER forget... what a blessing. I'm so glad I didn't wait until Monday to take the test! ha!
I heard my dad say a long time ago that he loved the saying, "Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away". So after the shock wore off, we jumped in the car and drove to the card store and found a sun catcher that had that phrase on it. We bought one of each of our parents.
I, then re-wrapped the pregnancy test and away we went, first to my parents, and then to Jimmy's. We had to stop on the way to Jimmy's parents at Eckerds again for me to tee-tee on another stick because the word "pregnant" had disappeared from the first test (we were going for the shock effect, plus I wanted to be sure in all the excitement it was actually true!)
The reactions of learning they were going to be grandparents where priceless. First, they opened the sun catcher and then the pregnancy test. It took a minute for either of them to figure out what in the world it was. Neither one had their glasses on and could decipher the word "pregnant" on the stick. (They both later admitted they thought we had given them a rectal thermometer for Father's Day ha!) There were many joyous tears shed that day!
Now, 3 Father's Days later we are so thankful for Trace and all that he means to this family! So this day has extra special meaning to me.
Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there who make such a difference in the lives of their children... even when we're all grown up!
Posted by Heidi 2 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Fun in the Sun
Wow, it's hot outside... and only getting hotter. This past week, we have tried to stay as cool as possible, but my outdoor loving son just doesn't seem content with a life indoors in the AC. So we have tried to incorporate H2O into all of our outdoor adventures!
Trace washed his first car last week and loved it... can't you tell! Granddaddy's car only gets a good washing about every 2 years (sorry Granddaddy) and Trace was just the man for the job. Cofer Service Group may have just found it's next employee, if only it weren't for those pesky child labor laws!You can't tell by the picture (and what a lovely one it is), but I am terrified! Lake water and I have never been close, at least when I can help it.
I have always told Jimmy that if I fell in around a boat dock, don't bother jumping in to save me from drowning, because my heart would have already stopped from the sheer panic of it all. Have you ever seen what swims around those boats!?!?
But, the other day it was so hot on the boat, I had to dive in. Trace, of course, wanted in with me so Jimmy threw me a life jacket and away we floated.
You may notice my legs are very close to the surface. That is because I was kicking them constantly. Jimmy kept yelling, "you don't have to kick anymore, you have on a life jacket!" But I'm not treading water, I am constantly in motion to ward off anything that might attempt to nibble me... ohhh the thought of it makes me cringe.
And now I had to protect my little munchkin too! I'm trying very hard to not make Trace a lakeaphobe like his momma...but I'm not doing a very good job! ha!I LOVE this picture! I kept Lucia's girls today while she went with her mom for her chemo treatment (we love you Shirley and are praying for you!)
Trace is always asking when "Baywee" and Kate can come over and play. They loved playing in the sprinkler and with the water hose.Nothing cuter than a soppin wet, bare chested, helmet wearing tot on a tricycle!
Here's Bailey with the water launcher (thank you Claire, you're right... best $1 I ever spent!)
Sadly, I have already had to hide it... from my husband! When I brought it home the other night, I told Jimmy that Trace was not going to be allowed to shoot people with it only up into the air and other objects. He agreed that was a good rule and waited an entire 2 minutes after I had put Trace down to sleep before ambushing me in the bathroom with it. Hair soaked, PJ's soaked, floor soaked, momma MAD!
I knew he couldn't resist but I at least appreciated him not doing it in front of the child... what an example! ha! Payback is coming dear, you just wait!
The future of America folks... a doctor, an army girl and a fireman!They were pooped (they weren't the only ones), so we crashed on the couch for a while and watched Thomas the Train. Look how sweet... holding hands!
Ginger took several hits from the water launcher. She was just glad to be dry and out of the line of fire! Her and Bailey became fast friends. Can't you just hear her now, "Yeah, yeah, you rub my neck just like that and I'm going to lay here and sleep".
Love you girls, come back and play soon!!
Posted by Heidi 2 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
A Day of Drama
Wow, you know how mama always said some days would just be like this... well, it's been one of those days. Oh, the drama, and all before noon.
Drama 1
The morning began with Trace in the bathtub accidentally hitting the dreaded button that turns on the jets. The water was not high enough to cover them so the motor made this terrible sound and water went flying everywhere... needless to say, so did he!
You've never seen a naked baby climb so frantically out of the tub before. I was standing right there of course but was on the phone trying to make an appointment with my dermatologist. I can only imagine what the receptionist was thinking on the other end of the phone. I couldn't get him to go back into the tub so I just washed the "essential" parts and hosed him off right there on the floor... ha!
Drama 2
Later, we were out of the back deck trying to get Ginger to potty before I put her in her box so we could go to Wal-Mart. As most 2-year-olds do, Trace is testing his boundaries. He goes to the far corners of the deck and then turns to look at me to see if I'm going to say, "That's far enough" for the 100th time. I am honestly going to tape record that phrase and just carry it around with me hitting repeat, repeat, repeat.
Apparently, on one corner, he got a little too close and toppled over the edge of the deck onto the ground about 3 feet below. I was proud of myself for not letting out the hideous shrill I am famously known for, as I watched him fall and stayed calm as I cleaned off the mud and blood from his scrapes. Bless his heart, he was so tough and all was better when mommy kissed his boo-boos! It kills me to think I won't always be able to kiss away all of his hurts.
Drama 3
Lastly, I almost had to make the phone call I have dreaded since the day I met Jimmy. "Hi honey, how is your day going... I've lost your dog."
Ginger, our Brittany Spaniel, will be 13 in December and she is her daddy's pride and joy. They have a human/canine bond like one I've never known. Therefore... it has always been a fear of mine that something would happen to her on "my watch".
So to round off my morning, as I was loading Trace up to go to Wal-Mart, I let Ginger out to potty. She is a princess type of dog and doesn't care much for the heat and humidity. Being that is was already 83 degrees and barely 10 a.m. I expected her to do her thing and return quickly to her air conditioned throne (our bed). When she didn't come back after a few minutes, I begin calling for her... forgetting that all she seems to be able to hear these days is thunder and the phrase "do you want a treat?"
I finally got Trace out of the car (he was oblivious, strapped in his carseat with his Veggietales CD playing, AC running, and sippy cup of juice in hand) to help me look. For nearly an hour, I searched, screamed, and searched some more. I even drove up and down our street, terrified of what I might find. I eventually called my mom to come over because I was panicking. This little dog has about as much "roughing it" experience as Paris Hilton, she runs directly at cars that are oncoming in an attempt to greet them and would not survive long out in the big scary dog world.
Finally, after more than an hour, she come saundering out of Jimmy's garage (which I checked 3 times) with her sleepy face on, looking like "what's all the screaming about?" She must have found a cool place somewhere in the corner to lay down and take a nap. After all that, I needed a shower and a nap!
I didn't know whether to hug her or scold her, instead I said a big "thank you" to God, reloaded Trace, and headed to Wal-Mart to get my oil changed... which took an hour and a half! If you've ever tried to keep a toddler restrained in a buggy and content at Wal-Mart for that long, you know that was another drama in itself.
*** WalMart is offering a fuel injection service that is normally $140 for $20 right now... partly why it took so long. It is supposed to help you get 7-8 more miles to the gallon and do a bunch of other car maintenance things I didn't understand, go check it out!
On a happy note... I came home and found this in my mailbox!!!!!A friend of mine from high school turned my blog into a book! Don't ask me how he did it, he must have sat beside me in computer class and knew I just didn't possess the skills to ever be able do it on my own...ha!
He told me his mom reads my blog and I mentioned one day that I would love to print it all and keep it for Trace to read someday and... look!!! Thank you Brian, that was so thoughtful of you, it is something I will always treasure!
Maybe my day is lookin' up :) Have a great weekend!
Posted by Heidi 0 comments
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Kadi's Bridal Shower
Today, I helped host a bridal shower for my soon to be sister-in-law, Kadi. I have been waiting a long time to finally get to do this and was so happy to have it at my house.
This was the last Golden Girl's bridal was kinda like the end of an era. To say they are like a well oiled machine is putting it mildly. They really don't even have to speak to each other, they just all know what to do. I just cleaned my house, made spinach dip and sangria and tried to stay out of the way!
Here they are with the infamous "wedding sock". Each bride is required to get a picture with the GG's and the bride and groom sock. This tradition started 11 years ago when Anne got married and ended today with Kadi.I was THRILLED that the citronella tiki torches Jimmy nailed to the deck last night didn't topple over and ignite my house on fire with 30 people inside AND they actually kept the bugs away!!! Between worrying about an inferno and trying to keep Ginger from getting run over in the front yard, I didn't get near as many pictures of everyone as I wanted. Ahhh, the burdens of a hostess... ha!
Me, my mom, Kadi's mom, and the bride to be!
Can you tell these moms are a little excited about this wedding? How does the saying go... When children find true love, parents find true joy. So true!
The 2nd generation of GG's... the GG juniors!
I was still cleaning up when Trace woke up from his nap. He loved fishing the cherries out of the punch bowl with a spoon... thanks Jane! Nothing like handing your toddler a metal spoon and letting him whip it around your husband's grandmother's antique crystal punch bowl. Believe me, that activity was highly supervised!
When he saw the left over cake, he ran to the bar singing "happy to me" (translation-"happy birthday to me"). Everytime he sees cake he automatically thinks it's somebody's birthday (translation- he gets to blow out the candles and then eat it).
It was a wonderful day and I can't wait for the main event in August!! The GG's did a fantastic job as always. Hopefully, they will be doing a baby shower someday soon... nothing like a little baby pressure.
Kadi asked me today, when that will start after the wedding and I told her ohhhh, about 15 minutes into the reception, probably between the first dance and cutting the cake!
Posted by Heidi 0 comments
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I have been wanting to do something "decorative" in the corner of my bedroom for, well... ever. You know when you stare at a bare wall (or in this case, a corner) for so long and one day you just can't take it anymore?
I've never claimed to be crafty or creative and am not a do-it-yourselfer... unless you consider walking into Kirklands, picking out a picture, then returning every week to see if it is sufficiently on sale enough to buy it, bring it home, unwrap it, hand it to Jimmy and tell him where to hang it... doing it yourself :)
But, I saw this idea on Kelly's Korner blog and really liked it. She did it in her dining room and used 12 pictures to fill up a huge wall.
I got on e-bay and ordered a set of botanical prints for about $15. I was going to buy mats at Hobby Lobby for $1 each but couldn't find the right color, instead I found these glass "floating" frames at Kohl's for 60% off!!! So for about $75, I got a set of 8 framed botanical pictures. Honestly, the hardest part was cutting the pictures into a 5X7 and getting them to stop "floating" in the floating frames. I was really excited about how they turned out.The view from the bed... ahhhh, so much better than bare! If I try hard enough, I almost don't even see Ginger's hideous blue dog box that sits underneath them. I cropped that out of the picture for aesthetic!
You know I am a HUGE fan of the before and after shots, but resisted the urge to actually take a picture of my "before" blank wall... I figured you can just use your imagination.
I'm embarrassed to admit that on several occasions I tried to hang them myself, but, I must have missed the semester when they taught measurement in the 4th grade, because what Jimmy did in 15 minutes would have taken me hours! God knew what he was doing when I never had to teach above the 3rd grade... can you imagine those poor children!
I stood there dumbfounded not knowing where to begin and would have had lines and dots drawn all over the wall in the hopes of hanging them in a straight line and correctly spaced. So I guess I can't say it was a complete DIY project but I'll take the credit anyway... he's used to that!
Posted by Heidi 1 comments