Wow, you know how mama always said some days would just be like this... well, it's been one of those days. Oh, the drama, and all before noon.
Drama 1
The morning began with Trace in the bathtub accidentally hitting the dreaded button that turns on the jets. The water was not high enough to cover them so the motor made this terrible sound and water went flying everywhere... needless to say, so did he!
You've never seen a naked baby climb so frantically out of the tub before. I was standing right there of course but was on the phone trying to make an appointment with my dermatologist. I can only imagine what the receptionist was thinking on the other end of the phone. I couldn't get him to go back into the tub so I just washed the "essential" parts and hosed him off right there on the floor... ha!
Drama 2
Later, we were out of the back deck trying to get Ginger to potty before I put her in her box so we could go to Wal-Mart. As most 2-year-olds do, Trace is testing his boundaries. He goes to the far corners of the deck and then turns to look at me to see if I'm going to say, "That's far enough" for the 100th time. I am honestly going to tape record that phrase and just carry it around with me hitting repeat, repeat, repeat.
Apparently, on one corner, he got a little too close and toppled over the edge of the deck onto the ground about 3 feet below. I was proud of myself for not letting out the hideous shrill I am famously known for, as I watched him fall and stayed calm as I cleaned off the mud and blood from his scrapes. Bless his heart, he was so tough and all was better when mommy kissed his boo-boos! It kills me to think I won't always be able to kiss away all of his hurts.
Drama 3
Lastly, I almost had to make the phone call I have dreaded since the day I met Jimmy. "Hi honey, how is your day going... I've lost your dog."
Ginger, our Brittany Spaniel, will be 13 in December and she is her daddy's pride and joy. They have a human/canine bond like one I've never known. Therefore... it has always been a fear of mine that something would happen to her on "my watch".
So to round off my morning, as I was loading Trace up to go to Wal-Mart, I let Ginger out to potty. She is a princess type of dog and doesn't care much for the heat and humidity. Being that is was already 83 degrees and barely 10 a.m. I expected her to do her thing and return quickly to her air conditioned throne (our bed). When she didn't come back after a few minutes, I begin calling for her... forgetting that all she seems to be able to hear these days is thunder and the phrase "do you want a treat?"
I finally got Trace out of the car (he was oblivious, strapped in his carseat with his Veggietales CD playing, AC running, and sippy cup of juice in hand) to help me look. For nearly an hour, I searched, screamed, and searched some more. I even drove up and down our street, terrified of what I might find. I eventually called my mom to come over because I was panicking. This little dog has about as much "roughing it" experience as Paris Hilton, she runs directly at cars that are oncoming in an attempt to greet them and would not survive long out in the big scary dog world.
Finally, after more than an hour, she come saundering out of Jimmy's garage (which I checked 3 times) with her sleepy face on, looking like "what's all the screaming about?" She must have found a cool place somewhere in the corner to lay down and take a nap. After all that, I needed a shower and a nap!
I didn't know whether to hug her or scold her, instead I said a big "thank you" to God, reloaded Trace, and headed to Wal-Mart to get my oil changed... which took an hour and a half! If you've ever tried to keep a toddler restrained in a buggy and content at Wal-Mart for that long, you know that was another drama in itself.
*** WalMart is offering a fuel injection service that is normally $140 for $20 right now... partly why it took so long. It is supposed to help you get 7-8 more miles to the gallon and do a bunch of other car maintenance things I didn't understand, go check it out!
On a happy note... I came home and found this in my mailbox!!!!!A friend of mine from high school turned my blog into a book! Don't ask me how he did it, he must have sat beside me in computer class and knew I just didn't possess the skills to ever be able do it on my own...ha!
He told me his mom reads my blog and I mentioned one day that I would love to print it all and keep it for Trace to read someday and... look!!! Thank you Brian, that was so thoughtful of you, it is something I will always treasure!
Maybe my day is lookin' up :) Have a great weekend!
Best of Sales!
12 hours ago
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