Thursday, June 14, 2012

Apparently we need to get out more often

I've joined our Monday Morning Mom's group at church and it has been such a blessing.  I've gone to HUM my entire life but have never really felt involved there.  I do the typical nursery duty, and teach on Wednesday nights, but felt like I wasn't really invested.  This group has been great.  We are all in the same boat... wife, MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) and sinners. Doing our best to raise Christian kids!

 Taylor, the blonde at the end recently went through surgery and chemo treatment for colon cancer (yes, at 34, and a mother of 3 kids under 6)  To celebrate her final treatment, we planned a GNO.  We met at Olive Garden and then someone "Suried" this on their iPhone for our next adventure...
I've never done one, but don't know when I've laughed so hard.  I came surprisingly close to peeing on myself while searching for "plastic fruit."  Thongs, extra long pantyliners, boys light up shoes, green sparkly nail polish and diabetic socks were just a few items on the list.  ** The diabetic socks were only sold "online" which of course,  I wouldn't have know if it weren't for my partner, Alice, and her smart phone because my phone was made in 1987.  (I went the next weekend and bought myself an iPhone... which will only take me till 2087 to learn to use.)

The winners...

We weren't the winners, BUT we weren't the losers either.  I'd say that's not too shabby for my first scavenger hunt and having a partner that never shops at Target.  (I, on the other hand, could draw you a map of the entire store completely from memory, hidden bathrooms and all... except for that darn plastic fruit.)
The true competitors were a little miffed about the diabetic sock dilemma and nearly demanded a redo...

The deal was, the losers had to go put everyone's stuff back, but we all helped out, being the good Christian women we are and all!  We ended up standing in the parking lot talking until a Target employee came over and very politely asked if we could move because he was ready to go home and he couldn't leave until we had vacated the premises.  Just a bunch of MOPS shuttin' down Tar-jay!


Claire said...

Oh, I want to go on a Target scavenger hunt! So much fun!!