Friday, June 15, 2012

Camera Roll

It's good to have goals.  And one of my goals is to get more "tech" savvy in my older age.  I'm still the dork who carries my little point and shoot camera with me wherever I roam in hopes of capturing my children doing something adorable and memorable.  However, since caving to peer pressure and getting my iPhone (which I LOVE) I realize there is more than one way to skin a cat capture a moment.

Hence, my iPhone camera roll...

Do you see why I need help?  

Moments after watering my plants, look who decided she needed a little snack.  I mean it, this kid will eat ANYTHING!
Just look at that smurk, she is such a mess!  I told my mom, she may no longer be a red head, but if you're born one, you're always one!!  Fiery is just in her blood!  

I fear for my future.

We ran into the Tittsworth clan Sunday afternoon at Lowes, who just happened to be there building a Madagascar 3 Monkey Plane.  Of course, we joined in.  I'm so thankful Granddaddy was there to do the "heavy construction."  It would have been a sad, sad plane if I were his building mentor.

Both of them sick with some virus and running temps. :(  Mommy was very grateful for the Fresh Beat Band and a few moments of peace to cook dinner!
I just had to take this.  Yes, she feverish, yes, she whining for a cracker while I'm furiously trying to get food on the table, but I just wanted to point out that both the top and bottom (and I do realize they don't match, she's sick and slummin' it) are to small/short.  These are size 18 month and she's only 16 months.  Grow much???  Don't really think she needs that cracker...
Pitiful!  Somebody give that sick baby a Ritz.
So we are heading to Disney and the countdown has begun!!!!  I honestly think I'm more excited than Trace.  (I KNOW  I'm more excited than Jimmy) 
So I'm trying to "retrain my brain" about using my phone to take pictures instead of lugging both through Disney World.  As the lady pointed out to me at Verizon... "NOBODY carries a camera anymore honey."

Well this lady just might and I may even wear a fanny pack to put it in!

Just kidding Jimmy... I promise I won't.
(See why he's dreading Disney? :)