Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Kindergarten here we come (here we come)

Well, we survived it!!  The dreaded day came where I had to share my baby boy with the world.  It was truly bittersweet...


 The drive was a factor, and really our biggest hurdle.  Hopefully, we can work out a carpool with some families close by and that will lessen the load.
 But when we pulled in, and were immediately greeted by so many wonderful friends, we felt right at home.  To not be in a "neighborhood" school, but have so many families we know is truly a blessing.  We saw Alise and Pat O'Brien, Leslie and Sean Turner, Kay and Travis Blevins, Amy DeLoach, Emily and Scott Alexander, Myra Fox from church, and of course the Dishmons, just walking in this morning...
 And Mrs. Watts was waiting outside the building to greet each student with a hug...
 We got to wait in the hall with Trace until class started.  We found his cubby and hung up his backpack and lunch box.
 Got a "first day" picture at the door of Room 51...
 He got to meet Mrs. Brower, Mrs. Watts FULL TIME assistant (I LOVE that!!!) and show her his nametag that he created with pictures about himself.
 Jimmy and I kissed him goodbye, as he happily pranced into the room without a moments hesitation, and then we tearfully walked away.  I would have gladly pulled up a chair on the sidewalk and watched through his window all day, but I knew I had to cut the cord and let him be a big boy.  I carried my phone in my hand all day, fearing the school would call.  3:00 couldn't get here fast enough...

We went back to get him and he came out of the classroom with a big smile and hugged us both.  We didn't get a whole lot of details out of him (he's such a man) but he said his day was great!!

We had a "Happy 1st day of Kindergarten" cake waiting on him when he got home and his favorite dinner of spaghetti, bread, and cantaloupe...
 Sister enjoyed the sketti dinner too...
I'm not sure that he fully understands how this works, that it's every weekday, for 9 months, for 13 more years.

But, we'll take baby steps...both of us!