Saturday, August 25, 2012

Summer's End

Well, every good summer must come to an end.  This one felt a little different than the last 5, and took me back to before Trace was born, when I would count every summer day I had left before school started.  Only this time, the nerves and anticipation weren't over getting my classroom ready, or thinking up new strategies and ideas (wish Pinterest had been around when I was still teaching!!!) but more about sending my baby to school and all the unknowns that come with that. 

Although we didn't take any trips or do anything particularly special this summer, we tried to make the most of it.  While Jim and Sylvia were away, we took a little staycation at their house.
We enjoyed dinner on the deck with this view...

And took a pontoon boat ride...

That ended on this note...
We had many potential pets come in and out of our lives this summer.  Meet Franklin.  This one only lasted the few minutes it took us to drive down Mountain Creek Road.  But he brought countless seconds of joy to Trace.  ha!

We decided Franklin needed to be with his little family, he was so desperately trying to reunite with while crossing the road, when we picked him up and saved him from becoming road kill.  Ever witness a turtle cross the street?  It's painful to watch.

Turkeys have invaded our yard and have taken full advantage of the fact that our neighbors never mow their grass.  We see them outside while we are eating dinner and they're amazing to watch!  But no, I don't think we want a "pet" turkey.

Next came Hoppy.  Nana and Trace nabbed him at Uncle Andy's house and we tried to contain the little guy but it was obvious he wanted to be free.  It's really a wonder he survived the day with my rowdy bunch. So, he too, was released back into the wild, otherwise known as my front yard.

So we promised Trace we would go to the pet store and actually buy are real pet.  We went for a hamster, but I honestly about had a panic attack once we got there and I saw them.  It was all about placement really.  They were right next to the cage labeled "Large Rat."  As cute as they were, they didn't stand a chance after that.  I'm sorry son.  You know my history with rats, and having anything that remotely resembles one living (on purpose) in my home, just about sent me over the edge.  So... we settled on 2 betta fish, Nemo and Dino.  We bought the whole set up along with a double tank, because apparently they will attack and kill one another if put together, and what 5 year old needs to see that?  Two weeks later, I'm happy to report they are still alive and living happily on Trace's dresser.  And I'm pretty sure have been fed daily... yeah!!!

We swam with my dear friends Penny and Lynda and sweet Zander this summer.  After 18 long months, Lynda finally got her second knee replaced and is doing great!  Praise the Lord!!!  I'm so thankful to have these two ladies in my life!  Penny is still at Woodmore, where we all met, and is counting down the days till retirement.

We made tents...
got a cleaning lady...

 perfected our smokers laugh...
 We went to the splash pad with Trinity and her girls and the big kiddos LOVED doing the obstacle course.  Trace thought he was on Wipeout!

He even ran into his buddy Coulter from preschool.

That's a hole water randomly shoots out of... live and learn.
We celebrated Daddy's birthday on the 8th with a little family dinner and ice cream cake.

Trace lost his 2nd tooth using the door slam technique again...

We lounged at Uncle Andy and Aunt Kadi's pool...
played at TAG for Nalin's birthday party...

And ended the summer by spending a morning at Chester Frost.  We have been wanting to go, but everytime we drove by it was packed.  So the Monday Hamilton County went back to school, we went and practically had the beach to ourselves!  Little picnic, swimming, and playground action was just what we needed before kicking off Kindergarten!

It's been a great summer but with these cooler mornings, it reminds me how much I love Fall.  I can't wait to see what's ahead!!