Monday, August 27, 2012

Singin' the blues...

Hey ya'll this is Keatyn,

I've got a little bone to pick and the word on the street is, there are like 4 people that read this blog so I'm hoping to get some help.

As you know, I'm a girl. (Even though they named me a name that could go either way.)  A girlie-girl that loves her shoes and glittery Hello Kitty t-shirts, a girl that spins and twirls to show off her dress.  But lately, I've noticed a trend.  A blue trend.

I get that I'm the second child, that Trace came first and he was clearly a boy, therefore prompting all the blue.  But you'd think those tightwads could spring for a little pink and purple in a poor girl's life.  

It began very early...

Here I am, 2 days old, in a brown pack-n-play with a blue sheet.  Seriously???  They couldn't have managed a pink sheet???

Apparently, when Trace was born, Daddy thought he would be their "only baby" and since he was a boy, they went all out with the brown and blue.  Mommy eventually worked her magic on Daddy and got me, and I subsequently got all the hand-me-downs. Sigh.

Honestly, have these people not ever heard of Goodwill?

Again...  A blue swing at home and one at Sisty and Granddaddy's.
A blue bicycle helmet...
blue bumbo seat...
blue float...
ANOTHER blue float...
a blue lifejacket...
I've heard babies are expensive and you gotta save where you can, but come on!!

I've sucked it up and tried not to get my diapers in a wad, but the other night they crossed the line.

Apparently, my pediatrician told Mommy at my 18 month checkup that I'm as tall as the average 27 month old.  I have no idea what that means, but it seemed to be a big deal to her, because that night, I slept in this...
Trace's old, used (with holey feet) 24 month pajamas.  They let me run around the yard in them, where people could see me!!  They could at least have put a bow in my hair!

Mommy claims she'll get me some of my own pj's and was feeling a little mommy guilt over cramming me in sleepers that were obviously too small, but a girl needs a little pink, a little purple, a little sparkle on her sleepwear, not trucks and trains.

I guarantee you, if I had come first, there is NO WAY Daddy would let Trace be walking around the yard in my princess pajamas and he wouldn't be caught dead in his bass boat sporting a pink lifejacket.

I've heard a rumor that my Aunt Bonnie has bought me a pink tricycle, that I will soon be big enough to ride.  I can't wait to have my own outdoor toy, that's not a ride-on fire truck or lawn mower.

Mark my words... when the time comes, instead of getting my own Barbie battery operated car with built in mirror and car phone, I'll inherit this...
Daddy may try to spray paint it or bedazzle it up but, I'll know.

Thanks for listening and letting me sing the blues...


Claire said...

Oh Heidi!!!

This is hilarious and oh, so true! Poor little second baby!

Just precious!

Jane said...

Heidi(or should I say Keatyn)! you have absolutely outdone yourself this funny!I suddenly feel compelled to buy something very girly for you know who!!!!!