Saturday, October 13, 2012

First and Finest

This summer, the Beta Beta chapter opened the new sorority house on campus.  Our old house was bought by UTC and will eventually be torn down (I think) to become a parking lot for the new library.  It's so sad to think of all the hours I spent in that house and all the memories made there.  But the new house is absolutely BEAUTIFUL and a few of us got to go down for a sneak peek!
My sorority was such a HUGE part of my college years.  I was very active and honestly, most of my best friends to this day are my sorority sisters.  I don't know what my life would be like without them.
 Since I graduated, I've not really been active in the alumni chapter and I regret it.  Life just gets busy.  I was teaching, getting my masters, then married Jimmy and had babies.  It just seemed to fall by the way side.  Jimmy, not having been in a fraternity, was always supportive if I ever wanted to do something sorority related, but just didn't "get it."  But I would love to get more involved one of these days when life slows down ;)
I'll admit, I secretly hope that my little legacy will become an ADPi and may actually live in that house.  Of course, I'll have to invest in steel bars for the windows and a security guard (it's not in my favorite part of town) but I would love to share that with her one day!