Monday, October 15, 2012

Needy female???

Someone really misses Trace when he's at school all day.

Like a typical male, he just wants a few minutes of solitude in front of the boob tube when he gets home from a grueling day of Kindergarten.  But Keatyn has other plans for him. (Notice the remote, that was once in his hand, now in the floor.)

Can't you just hear it...

"Talk to me!"

"Look at me!"

"Paaayyy atttttteeeeention to ME!"

Who knew it started this early???

And then... sweet victory!!
Son, you will get through adulthood much easier, if you just accept this little fact about women now, and learn to embrace it.

See... having a sister can teach you many valuable life lessons. (At least that's what I always told my brother.)