Saturday, September 13, 2008

Family Day at Lake Winnie

Jimmy's family from Alabama came in this weekend and we decided to take Trace and Sara Kathryn (his cousin's 2-year-old) to Lake Winnie. None of us had been there in years (decades really... we are so old) but it is only open 2 more weeks so we decided to go and had a blast! We headed out with 4 cameras and 2 video cameras. Thank you Sylvia (Jimmy's mom) and Sandy and Sheila (Jimmy's aunts) for capturing those precious moments on film! I always know when Sandy and Sheila are around, there will be plenty of pictures to remember the event by!

It was very kid friendly and I was surprised at how many rides there were for little ones. We used the coupons in the school coupon books (thanks Aunt Penny) and all 7 of us went. Millie, Sara Kathryn's mom, is 9 months pregnant so Aunt Kate rode along with Sara Kathryn. She was such a trooper because it was very humid! The kids loved it, and so did we! It is so much fun seeing it through their eyes! I can't wait for Disney World!!! My mom would have had a nervous breakdown if she had seen Trace riding the Sky Lift over the water with me. I will admit, I was very nervous, knowing how quick his little body works, but he sat perfectly still and never moved a muscle. Fortunatley, he is very into boats and the sky buckets go right over the paddle boats and boat chute, so he was mesmerized. We topped the day off with Dippin Dots (which I couldn't believe Jimmy had never had, I thought he had tried EVERY form and flavor of ice cream) and headed home. Trace zonked out in the car about the time we hit 75 South. It was a great morning and we were so glad we got to share it with our family! Thanks for coming guys!!